To Be With You Forever

Chapter 150: Always like this

   Chapter 150

"It's not impossible to be in harmony, but it's only for the second lady of the Jian family to please Mrs. Gu, not for my Gu Chen's wife to accommodate or tolerate someone." Gu Chen thinks that he is straightforward enough to say what he should say Tell her mother Jian, "That's it, hang up."

  After finishing speaking, Gu Chen cut off the call, and then stared at Jian Sangyu with heavy eyes.

  "Every time?" Gu Chen suddenly asked.

  What did Jian Jiayue suffer from here, so she went to Jian’s mother to blame Jian Sangyu? Jane's mother will only let Jane Sangyu let this little sister?

   Seeing Jian Sangyu nodded faintly, Gu Shen said, "It won't be anymore."

  He is different from Jian Sangyu. Compared with Jian’s family, the Gu family is always superior. So even if Gu Chen is the son-in-law of Jian’s father and Jian’s mother, in fact, Gu Shen does not need to treat each other as an elder.

  So, during the call during the day, he called the father-in-law Jane the father-in-law as President Jian without any psychological pressure. In the call just now, he didn't even have a title for Jane's mother.

  Even Jian Sangyu’s feelings for them were so weak that Gu Chen could no longer see them. Therefore, Gu Chen could not find a reason to treat his elders and respect Jian’s father and Jian’s mother.

  Gu Shen is like this. His attitude towards Jian's father and Jian's mother depends on his wife's attitude towards them.

  If it weren’t for Jian Sangyu, Jian’s father and Jian’s mother had nothing to do with him. Therefore, if Jian Sangyu had no affection for them, they would only bring troubles to Jian Sangyu, and he naturally had no respect for Jian’s family.

  It’s just that he is Gu Chen, a son-in-law who is higher than the Jian family regardless of status, status or ability, so he can treat the Jian family like this without any scruples.

  But Jian Sangyu can’t.

  Because she is the daughter of the Jian family, anyone who knows her, knows the Jian family, knows that she is the eldest lady of the Jian family.

  In the eyes of outsiders, she is the beloved daughter of the Jane family. She has a unique congenital superiority, and even many people say that.

The reason why Jian Sangyu was able to win so many countless piano awards at a young age was that the Jian family was willing to spend money on her daughter. They spent a lot of money to find a famous teacher for her, and spent a lot of money to get her to the best school. She goes to various competitions.

  Even if no one mentioned Jian Sangyu's own efforts and talents, but all of these spent a lot of money, Jian Sangyu can't refute it.

  The Jian family has never been stingy with Jian Sangyu in terms of money.

  In the eyes of outsiders, spending a lot of money is enough. In their eyes, they are willing to spend money, that is, they really love this child.

  If Jian Sangyu did something bad one day, countless people would point to Jian Sangyu and scold her for being unfilial, calling her an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

And know that Jane Sangyu is just the daughter of Jane’s family, not her biological daughter, and will scold Jane Sangyu for not knowing gratitude, scolding her for being unwilling, all moral shackles, all ugly curses, will be heavily suppressed on Jane Sangyu Body.

  Gu Shen felt Jian Sangyu’s difficulty in moving for the first time.

  Even though she dared to bear these abuses and accusations, the Jian family still has grandma and grandfather Jian, as well as the younger brother Jian Jialang, these are the fetters that Jian Sangyu can't let go of in Jian's family.

  The most important thing is that when Jane Sangyu was a child, Jane's father and Jane's mother really loved her.

  In the compound, Jane’s father and mother were holding hands while jumping and jumping alive and out like a female monkey king who could not calm down for a second. This picture is always in the memory of others and also in her memory.

  (End of this chapter)

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