To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1505: Where's my parents

   Chapter 1505 Where's My Mom and Dad

  Jian Sangyu looked at the panicked mother Jane sitting there, tears falling one after another.

  She can't help it, really can't help it anymore.

"Jian Jiayue, you always keep saying that I owe you what I owe you. If you owe this family, you always call yourself a victim. What about me? Am I not a victim?" Jian Sangyu yelled, "I was the same person back then. When I was born, I didn’t rush to your home to enjoy the glory and wealth of your Jane family. What did I do wrong back then? What did I do wrong?”

Jian Sangyu’s cry can no longer be suppressed, "For so many years, I have always wanted to ask you, how on earth are you fathers and mothers? Why can even your own daughter admit mistakes? I also want to ask you. , Where are my parents? Where are they? I have watched you love Jian Jiayue time and time again, and I will miss them too. I really want to miss them."

"If you weren't your parents and couldn't recognize that your child was holding the wrong child, then would I also grow up happily next to my biological parents? Maybe they are not as rich as you and can't give me the favor Life environment, but, perhaps, they will love me very much. If I were not raised by Jane’s parents, if I could grow up with my dad, would I be happier than I am now?

"Mr. Jane, Mrs. Jane, I also want to ask you one thing, you have found your biological daughter, your family is reunited and happy, then, where is my parents? Where do you hide my parents? went?"

  She also missed them very much, thinking they would show up in front of her one day, hug her, tell her, daughter, we have been looking for you too. "You have pushed all your mistakes on me and treated me as a shameless predator, but have you ever thought about it? Am I qualified to choose? Wrong, is it me or you back then?" Jian Sangyu bit Lips, "For so many years, I remember your kindness to nurture me. I don’t fight or **** it. I watched you marry Jian Jiayue to Gu’s family. I didn’t say anything, and watched you treat me as an object. To the Gu family, I have no complaints, yes, you support me, I owe you."

Jian Sangyu asked softly, "Isn’t this gift of nurturing finished when you changed me to the Gu family? The benefits that the Gu family has given you over the years can already be regarded as interest, so Mr. Jian , Mrs. Jane, what do I owe you? Why do you still have the face to let me pay?"

"I owe the Gu family, and owe them the grace to take in. When you passed me as an object, they gave me another place to stay. They gave me a new home and gave me The love and care you never gave before."

"You have already taken back your love and care for me, and let me return it to you in the form of money. Now, where is your face for me to repay?" Jian Sangyu sneered, "I will share Give it back to you. From now on, your Jian family will have nothing to do with me. As for whether you want to publish a statement in the newspaper, it's up to you."

When Jian Sangyu said this, she turned around and went to the door, but she walked halfway and then suddenly turned around, "If you talk about nurturing, what I owe should also be grandparents, because it is not you who gave me the clothes and food since I was young, but they They have always worried about my tuition, my food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Therefore, I have never owed you anything."

  (End of this chapter)

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