To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1593: Finally done

   Chapter 1593

  The selected places of the three single-family villas are a little bit apart, that is to say, if there are guests in the three villas, there will be no mutual influence.

"Looking at her planning book, she is going to be a high-end rural homestay. Look at the management and service in her planning book. It is very detailed and very thoughtful." Jian Sangyu turned to Jian Jialang Nununu and said, "Hire a professional British housekeeper. , The catering department will try its best to make green organic Chinese food from the village."

  Jian Sangyu, a person who studies and engages in music, wants her to read these planning books, it is naturally difficult to see the essence and advantages and disadvantages of them.

  So she flipped through it, and after reading what she could understand and understand, she lay down on Jian Jialang’s bed and stared at Jian Jialang who was looking at the planning book seriously.

  Jian Jialang University’s grades have always been good. He suddenly said that he would suspend school to participate in game competition. This is something that surprised Jian Sangyu.

  Looking at Jian Jialang while reading and taking notes while holding a pen and paper, Jian Sangyu thought that with Jian Jialang's ability, he would withdraw from the economic circle in the future. In business, as long as someone can take him with him, I believe he will soon be alone.

  Jian Sangyu’s cell phone fell outside, Jian Jialang was still looking at it, and Jian Sangyu was too difficult to talk to affect him. He lay there alone, and waited until Jian Jialang had said something when the sleepers came out.

  "Finally done?" Jian Sangyu sat up from lying down and rubbed his eyes, "Then go out."

  Jian Jialang nodded hum, then pulled Jian Sangyu out of the room, the expression on his face was a little excited.

   "Have you finished watching so soon?" Grandma Jian waved to them when she saw the two brothers come out.

   "Is this fast?" Jian Sangyu glanced at his watch, "It's almost an hour."

  She was really almost asleep inside.

   "How is it?" Grandma Jian looked at Jian Jialang and Jian Sangyu with a little expectation.

   "Let Jialang speak." Jian Sangyu took the initiative to give up the C position to Jian Jialang.

  Jian Jialang sat down in the middle without being polite, and said, “I took a rough look at this homestay, and I asked my friend to check some information in it just now. I think it can be done, but some changes need to be made.”

Jian Jialang is really interested in this homestay, "However, to make a high-end homestay, the investment of two or three million yuan is still a little less. Therefore, the investment must be increased, and one more thing, use this homestay to digest the work needs of the village. I disagree with this point. The choice of employees, especially accommodation and catering, is my opinion is not to hire villagers in the village, so as to prevent the village folks from grouping in key positions, causing management difficulties, and recruiting from the society. Before entering the job, you need to go to a professional organization for induction training, and you can only officially start after you meet the entry requirements."

  "This..." Liao Liping did not expect Jian Jialang to reject her arrangement to provide employment opportunities for villagers.

"I know that I am from this village, so the starting point is to make some contribution to the villagers in this village. However, your homestay is positioned as a high-end homestay, not an ordinary homestay that can live for two or three hundred yuan a night. The cultural level and personal qualities of the villagers absolutely cannot reach the high-end service level. You cannot deny this." Jian Jialang is very persistent on this point.

  (End of this chapter)

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