To Be With You Forever

Chapter 160: Bribe old man

  Chapter 160 Bribery Father

  Gu Chen left, Jian Sangyu took a rest in bed with a heart-warming heart until after eight o'clock before she really woke up. After waking up, Jian Sangyu took a look at her mobile phone the first thing, and then called Zhong Yanting.

   "Sister Xiaoting, have I been blocked?" This is Jian Sangyu's first question. For this question, she didn't even dare to check it online.

  Thinking about Father Gu’s temper and methods, Jian Sangyu was quite afraid that Gu Chen would be no match for him. After all, what is there to say?

Older gingers are more spicy.

"Congratulations, no." Zhong Yanting was amused by Jian Sangyu's words, "Gu Shenmei told you about you, he will go around? Yesterday he came to me in person and talked to me about it. I will help, but don’t be too happy about one thing, Gu Chen said, he doesn’t object to you being an actor, but..."

   "But he doesn't support me as an actor, right?" Jian Sangyu snorted.

"Yes." Zhong Yanting nodded. "He said that he is waiting for the day when you can't go down the path of an actor and return to the family. Therefore, he is counting on Gu's family to give you some resources. When your backer, this will not work. That's it."

   "I didn't plan to rely on Gu's family, nor did I expect Gu's family to be my backer, so the relationship between me and Gu's family, Xiao Ting sister, you must help me keep it secret." Gu Shen's no objection is the best for Jian Sangyu.

  As for Mr. Gu, he hasn't moved yet, it's not like the old man's style, so Gu Chen's return yesterday should have worked.

  Jian Sangyu decided to go to Gu’s old house in the morning. After all, she did make a mistake in this matter first. Therefore, even if Gu Chen went back yesterday, she should also go back and say sorry to the old man.

Since childhood, everyone in the Gu family has treated her very well. It can be said that after the age of sixteen, she likes the Gu family more than the Jian family. She likes the harmonious atmosphere of the Gu family, so she often excuses Jiang Xing for something to do. Gu's family stayed all day long.

   Old man Gu has a bad temper, but he has always been very good to her. Last time, he helped her get her mobile phone back from Gu Chen's hand and had a beautiful turnaround!

  After hanging up the phone, Jian Sangyu cleaned up and went out. When she got to the first floor, Jian Sangyu remembered something, went home again, went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and dug out a can of tea from the freezer.

  The tea was put in by Gu Chen. Jian Sangyu didn’t know what kind of tea it was, but Gu Chen had good tea. The tea he could hide in the refrigerator must be good tea.

  Gu Shen was taught by Mr. Gu. Jian Sangyu felt that if Gu Chen liked it, Mr. Gu would probably like it.

  So, Jian Sangyu carried Gu Chen’s precious tea leaves to the house without any psychological pressure.

  When Jian Sangyu’s car drove into the old house of Gu’s family, Mr. Gu was walking outside with the general, but Gu Qingxi and his wife were rarely at home.

  "Auntie, uncle." After Jian Sangyu went in and greeted the two elders like a baby, then took off the mask and hat. After one night, the slap marks on her face had disappeared.

  "Come to see the old man?" Gu Qingxi glanced at the things Jian Sangyu was carrying, and immediately opened it, "bribbing old man's gift? Where can I get you this superb tea?"

Jian Sangyu felt relieved to see that Gu Qingxi's attitude towards her was still the same as before. It seemed that the aunt was not angry.


good night! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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