To Be With You Forever

Chapter 163: Not for you

  Chapter 163 Not For You

   "The tea you bought to boil tea eggs is not delicious." Jian Sangyu subconsciously vomited again, "It's not fragrant at all, it's a waste of my cooking skills."

"What do you want?"

  Jian Sangyu's words almost made Gu Chen's violent temper come out again, he had let it go, but she was still stubborn.

  "You buy me the kind of tea that is made with tea eggs in an outside store." Jian Sangyu smiled happily, "I'll send it to Jiang Xing when it's cooked! You help me give it to Jiang Xing."

   "Jian Sangyu!" Gu Chen gritted his teeth, "I gave it to you, and you forward it to Jiang Xing? Is he your husband, or am I your husband?"

  Gu Chen swears, in this world, only Jian Sangyu can push his temper to this level.

"Hey, okay, okay, just don't give it away." Feeling that Gu Chen seemed to be angry again, Jian Sangyu quickly compromised, and thought to herself that she kept the eggs and tea leaves until Jiang Xing’s holiday. Yes.

   "Hmm." Gu Chen said stiffly, "Now, go home immediately."

  Jian Sangyu hung up the phone and made a grimace at the phone. What is Mr. Gu, what is his temper?

   "What did he say? Lost his temper with you?" Gu Qingxi asked with some worry.

   "He asked me to go home immediately, and I will toss the tea in the refrigerator at home." Jian Sangyu flatly said: "I was fierce twice just now, so scary."

   "He said tea leaves toss with you?" Let alone Gu Qingxi, Gu Qingxi's husband was shocked, "Why?"

  This seemed to be different from what he thought. Gu Chen's reaction was beyond his expectation.

   Suddenly outside the door, the general’s excitement barking shouts, and he rushed towards Jian Sangyu.

  Old man Gu did not know when he appeared at the door and heard all the people in the living room clearly.

   "Why? I'm not afraid that I saw his daughter-in-law and let her divorce him and he would have no daughter-in-law." Old man Gu sighed, he brought up his own child, does he know?

   "Divorce?" Jian Sangyu was taken aback and blinked. The words the father spit out surprised her even forgot to say the apology she had prepared at the beginning.

   "Why, so happy?" Old man Gu shook his beard.

Jian Sangyu nodded subconsciously, and then realized that Grandpa Gu was not Gu Chen standing in front of her, so after she nodded, she suddenly turned her neck in a circle, and then raised her hand to press her neck, pretending I was massaging myself, and muttered, "I haven't slept well recently, my neck is sore."

   Who is Mr. Gu? Reading countless people, it is not an exaggeration to say that people are talented, can you still see Jian Sangyu's crappy acting?

  He stared at Jian Sangyu, and said angrily: "You want to be beautiful."

  This answer can only say that Gu Chen deserves to be the master of Gu.

   Then bypassed Jane Sangyu and sat on the sofa. His eyes flashed across Jane Sangyu's hand.

   "Did you bring it to me specially?" The old man waved to Jian Sangyu, "I have taken it all, are you still carrying it too heavy?"

  Jian Sangyu hugged the tea in her arms and shook her head like a rattle, "Not for you."

   Thinking of Gu Chen’s explanation, Jian Sangyu raised her leg and ran after finishing speaking, and the fast old man stared at him.

  It was only a matter of a few seconds, and people walked out of the door. Old man Gu looked at Gu Qingxi, and tweeted three times, "This girl suddenly became so lively, it doesn't seem to be that cute anymore."

  If this was when she was always wearing her clothes before, it would definitely be his grandpa who said what he said, and how could he run as fast as a rabbit like today.

  (End of this chapter)

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