To Be With You Forever

Chapter 170: Who sent it

  Chapter 170 Who sent it

   "Brother, look at my sister-in-law, here is another delicious treat!" Jiang Xing opened the food box, and it turned out that it was his favorite tea egg white.

   "She sent to the guard to give you?" Gu Chen pinched the cigarette in his hand and was about to take out his mobile phone to call Jian Sangyu, but he heard Jiang Xingying say no.

   "My sister-in-law went back to Gu's house in the afternoon, and she ate dinner with the old man in the evening, which was arranged by the old man." Jiang Xing said, "My sister-in-law seems to be very diligent in reviewing the house recently."

  Gu Shen put the phone back in place again, and couldn't help but snorted.

  I am really good at it. I even dared to look back at the house after an afternoon, and I could help her deliver things to the guards through the hands of the old man.

  So it seems that she coaxed the old man?

   "Total Chief, there is something for you."

   Outside the door, Gu Chen's correspondent knocked on the door and got Gu Chen's promise, then opened the door and walked in, and then put a sturdy thing wrapped in a bag on Gu Chen's desk.

   "Who sent it?" Gu Chen asked.

  "Older Gu arranged for someone to send it."

  After responding, the person looked at the things on the table curiously, and left without asking more questions.

Jiang Xing gave a weird sound, and then stood there and stuffed egg whites in his mouth to eat, while standing there curiously waiting for Gu Chen to unpack things, waiting for Gu Chen to pull out the layers of packaging bags, and finally revealed one When the egg was in his palm, Jiang Xing almost didn't choke to death by the egg white in his mouth.

"Why did the old man give you an egg specially?" Jiang Xing put the food box in his arms to the side, and went to grab an egg in his hand when he walked over. As a result, his hands were stretched out, and Gu Chen took one. His eyes swept over, he took it back abruptly, obediently holding his food box and eating his own.

  Why is this also something Gu Chen wants to know.

  There seemed to be a very faint, familiar scent in the snorting. Gu Chen leaned the tea egg in front of the snorting and smelled it carefully.

  The phone on his desk rang suddenly, and the caller ID was Mr. Gu, and Gu Chen picked it up.

   "The eggs are collected? This is sent to me by your daughter-in-law, Sang Yu, in the evening." Old man Gu smiled badly, "Smell the eggs, do you think the taste is particularly familiar?"

   Gu Shen's eyes jumped, yes, there is a smell of white pearls.

   Thinking of this, Gu Chen suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, I heard Old Man Gu laugh haha, "Sang Yu is too filial, knowing that I like the tea, but I can't drink it, so I made this tea egg for me with that tea. It's so sweet. A child."

  In fact, the heart of the old man is bleeding.

  However, his heartache, he had to let Gu Chen follow his heartache. It didn't make sense to let him carry it by an old man.

   "Jian Sangyu." Gu Chen almost gritted his teeth and recited Jian Sangyu's name.

  No longer listening to the old man's gloating laughter, Gu Chen hung up the phone.

  On the other side, Jiang Xing saw that Gu Shenmei made a call. He raised his head from the cell phone and asked casually, "Brother, are you violent?"

   Jiang Xing now had a hundred sentences against Gu Chen in his heart, but he didn't have the courage to say a single sentence.

  In his heart, Jian Sangyu who can marry Gu Chen is simply the greatest person in the world, so Gu Chen is still fierce Jian Sangyu, and Jian Sangyu is really too miserable.

  (End of this chapter)

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