To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1775: that's nice

   Chapter 1775

  When Jian Sangyu and Ji Qianbo got along, they did not have the kind of care and special attention to the disabled. Just now they asked Ji Qianbo to send her back to the hotel. She did not say rejection, but thanked her with a smile.

   Such a careful girl, getting along with her, it is really hard for people to dislike her.

  She is kind to others, she doesn't appear particularly deliberate, and gives people a very comfortable level.

   "This girl has a good temper." Elder Ji also exaggerated, "I sang with us all night and laughed happier than we are."

Speaking of this, Mr. Ji looked at his wife and said, "This girl looks a bit like you when you were young, but when you get along, you can see that it is still different. This girl loves to laugh and laughs. At that time, the whole person looked very bright. When you were young, you didn't laugh like her."

  Old lady Ji did not deny that when she was young, she was indeed an unsmiling person, and still has a tough temper.

  She turned her eyes and glanced at the daughter-in-law beside her, thinking in her heart, that girl is more like her daughter-in-law than that girl.

   are all the same love to laugh, they all have the same crooked eyebrows.

  Old Mrs. Ji felt this way when she saw Jian Sangyu on TV. When Jian Sangyu laughed, she looked like her daughter-in-law when she laughed.

   "This girl has a destiny with our family." Mrs. Ji said.

"Isn’t it destined? Old man Gu’s grandson-in-law, speaking of it, is also Dad’s deceased, there is indeed a destiny." Yang Yunrui responded cheerfully, "Sang Yu and I, like Qianbo, are allergic to bananas, she When I first came home, I was surprised to hear this."

   "This is really surprising." Old man Ji was surprised. "People with banana allergies are really rare. Qianbo will follow you."

  After the three people spoke for a few minutes, the old two went back to the house to rest. Yang Yunrui went back upstairs to wash, while waiting for Ji Qianbo to return.

  It was eleven o'clock when Jian Sangyu returned to the hotel from Ji's house. She bid farewell to Ji Qianbo who drove her to the door of the room. She watched Ji Qianbo enter the elevator before closing the door.

  The first thing he did was to call Gu Chen.

  Gu Chen must still be waiting for her call at this time.

  Sure enough, the phone beeped twice and he picked it up, "Are you back at the hotel?"

  Since the afternoon activity ended, Jian Sangyu sent a message to Gu Chen about going to Ji’s house, so Gu Chen has been waiting for her to call back to the hotel.

"I came back. Teacher Ji personally sent me to the door of the room before leaving." Jian Sangyu was a little excited. "I heard Teacher Ji faintly mentioned before that his grandparents are serious people. I didn't expect to get along with them today. I think they are very good elders, they are not serious at all. We played the piano and sang together after dinner at night."

  Jane Sangyu was really envious.

  Ji’s family, that’s great.

   "Mr. Yang and their aunt made a lot of dishes that I like to eat, and almost made me eat." This feeling of being valued and remembered is really happy.

   "Hmm." Gu Chen listened to Jian Sangyu on the phone and excitedly said all the things that happened today.

  She was like a chatter, lying on the bed with her mobile phone and talking to Gu Chen about everything from the publicity in the afternoon to being a guest at night.

  (End of this chapter)

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