To Be With You Forever

Chapter 179: Do you have a boyfriend

  Chapter 179 Is there a boyfriend

   "Ms. Zhou, everyone probably loves you and wants you to come and rest soon." Sasha stood there and smiled.

   "Teacher Zhou, you have old arms and legs, young people love you." Jian Jiayue echoed, probably she didn't notice that Sasha's expression was stunned for a few seconds, and then quickly moved the topic to the game with Teacher Huang.

   "In the second round, nine out of two." Teacher Huang called Man Yuan Hedao, "It's still from you."

   "This time I will zoom in. It is the drink that Shishi and I will endorse together." After Man Yuanhe finished speaking, he glanced at Yang Shishi, his eyes full of pampering.

  If it weren’t for Jane Sangyu who knew the direction of the CP in the follow-up, he would probably have been stuffed with dog food.

   "I didn't say it if I said it!" Luo Shaotian, who was ranked second, looked blank. "You guys know it, we don't know what it is."

  "Yes, yes, it doesn't count. You and both of you know about your endorsement, and you haven't announced it yet." Sha Sha and Teacher Huang also screamed, "Change one, change another."

   "No change, just this." Man Yuanhe shook his head particularly confidently.

   "If you don't change, then we will try to eliminate the two of you first in this round. Maybe you are both undercover, you are playing a secret signal." Jian Sangyu followed the sentence and began to take the rhythm.

  Jian Sangyu was originally just talking casually, unexpectedly a group of people in front and behind him, each directly nodded in agreement.

"Teacher Huang, let's not talk about it in this round. Everyone will choose these two to agree or disagree?" Guan Xiaodong turned around and asked everyone, and then continued: "Even if we eliminated the wrong ones, we always give these two to us. Single dogs who send out dog food are eliminated first, and our group of single dogs will feel happier."

  Hearing the word single dog, Jane Sangyu touched the tip of her nose silently.

Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi were not happy for the first time, "Guan Xiaodong, you are a single dog. This is a well-known thing. Don’t assume that everyone is the same as you. If nothing else, why don’t you ask these two audiences on the scene? No boyfriend or girlfriend."

   "Just ask." Guan Xiaodong asked the female audience behind Jian Sangyu, "Sister paper, do you have a boyfriend?"

  Sister paper shook her head excitedly all the way, "No! No! I'm still single!"

   Before Guan Xiaodong asked another live audience, the audience waved his hand and said no.

"Chen Xinjie and Chen Xuan, I know they are single, then Luo Shaotian and Jian Sangyu, I will help you ask." Teacher Huang walked towards Luo Shaotian and asked, "To the audience, and everyone Tell me, do you have a girlfriend?"

   "No." Luo Shaotian smiled, "I agree to weed out the messy dog ​​food first."

  Jian Jiayue stood on the side and smiled particularly expectantly. She wanted to grab Teacher Huang to ask Jian Sangyu in person, but after all, it was Teacher Huang so she didn't dare to stand there and waited for Teacher Huang to ask Jian Sangyu.

  She waited for everyone to know that Jian Sangyu was married, and a married couple would undoubtedly be unable to move.

  Under Jian Jiayue’s expectation, Teacher Huang finally turned his words to Jian Sangyu, "Come on, on behalf of all the male compatriots in the audience, ask our sister Sangyu, do you have a boyfriend?"

   "No." Jian Sangyu blinked and smiled slyly.

  She has a husband, but no boyfriend.

  This answer is fine.

  If you ask her if she is married, or if she has a partner, then she can honestly say yes.

  However, I asked her if she has a boyfriend. By coincidence, there is really no boyfriend. There is only a husband at home.

  Who can say that boyfriend and husband are similar?

  (End of this chapter)

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