To Be With You Forever

Chapter 184: To make a deal

  Chapter 184 Come Make a Deal

  Jane Sangyu can’t boast. With a boast, the smile on his face is really getting more and more uncontrollable. After a few words of effort, the whole person suddenly laughed into a sunflower.

  Zhong Yanting was very speechless and rolled his eyes at Jian Sangyu, "You, after joining the crew, remember to suppress your inner emotions. Don't be a paper man who can be understood at a glance."

"I know, I just didn't cover up in front of Sister Xiaoting." Jian Sangyu thought triumphantly, just like she used to be in front of Gu Chen. It was cover up for a few years and was not discovered by Gu Chen, so she treated her The acting skills are still very relieved.

  Life is very simple, but the people in life are not simple, so Jian Sangyu also knows what Xiao Ting reminded her.

   People who can't see through are always happy. People who want to attack you can't start.

  The phone in Jian Sangyu’s pocket shook, prompting that the phone had entered a new text message. Jian Sangyu took it out and took a look. It was from Jian Jiayue.

  ——We meet in the evening.

   Seeing this text message, Jian Sangyu replied without seeing it.

She doesn't know why Jian Jiayue always wants to see her these days, but when she really saw her in the station today, Jian Jiayue had to pretend not to know her. To get her embarrassed, he even went to the stage and wanted to face her **** for tat.

  Jian Sangyu remembers what Gu Chen said anyway, she was not the one who Jian Jiayue called to come and go.

  Probably it was Jian Sangyu’s indifference that angered Jian Jiayue. A few seconds later, Jian Sangyu’s cell phone rang.

  "Whose phone call, why didn't you answer?" Zhong Yanting was curiously asked when she saw her hang up next to Jian Sangyu, "Gu Chen called?"

  If Gu Chen’s Jane Sangyu dared to hang up like this, Zhong Yanting would pay her respects to Jane Sangyu. He is a man.

   "Jian Jiayue's." Jian Sangyu gave Zhong Yanting a general overview of what happened on TV today, including the makeup artist.

  Zhong Yanting's brows wrinkled slightly, not knowing what he was thinking of, and he said, "Come on and see what she has to say."

  Jian Sangyu glanced at Zhong Yanting and said something, then answered the phone and put it in her ear to feed.

   "Jian Sangyu, you dare not meet with me, and don't want to answer my phone. You are guilty? Afraid that I will expose your lies? Afraid you can't keep your identity as Mrs. Gu Shen Gu?"

  When the call was answered, what Jian Sangyu heard was Jian Jiayue's domineering words.

   "If you want to see me, that's what I said, then I'm still the same sentence, no see." Jian Sangyu snorted. She didn't think she had lied, nor did she think that this sentence would make Gu Chen change his mind and divorce her.

  If Gu Chen could really get divorced so easily, Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen had already divorced the marriage, so what should they worry about now?

"Jian Sangyu, let's make a deal." Jian Jiayue thought she had caught Jian Sangyu's handle, so the whole person's emotions seemed a little excited, "I will help you keep this secret, and you, tell dad that I have transferred the shares back to you. ."

   "Shares?" Jian Sangyu was stunned when she heard this, "What's the matter about shares?"

"Don't pretend, you dare to say you didn't know that my father asked me and my mother to give you all the shares? Isn't Jian Jialang your faithful dogleg? Didn't he tell you what father meant?" Killed Jian Jiayue I didn't believe that Jian Jialang hadn't told Jian Sangyu about such an important thing.

  (End of this chapter)

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