To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1847: Put you up

  Chapter 1847 I'm able to bear you

   Even with such a question without beginning and end, Jian Sangyu suddenly heard what Gu Chen was asking.

  She also pretended not to understand, and pretended to ask something like, "What are you talking about?"

"Pretending to be stupid?" Gu Chen laughed, "Still pretending to be stupid?" "I don't know what you are talking about~" Jian Sangyu is bound to pretend to be stupid, she will definitely not let Gu Chen know this song. The inspiration comes from him.

  She would not let Gu Chen know that the phrase she said in the song was a bit annoying, but he was also talking about it.

  I can't admit it to death.

  Something that can't be admitted in a lifetime.

   "Jian Sangyu, you know what I'm talking about." Gu Shenmei and Jian Sangyu dealt with each other a lot, and he expected her to understand what he meant.

   "Ang~" Jian Sangyu blinked with the phone, her eyes were full of cleverness and cunning.

"You are not annoying, not annoying at all, you will buy me lipstick, you will buy me a bag, you will buy me nice clothes, you will take me to hot pot, and you will buy me double skin milk , I like you so much, why do you feel annoyed by you?" Jian Sangyu is like a dog this time, that's amazing and praise Gu Shen's goodness.

  It's like, if she said sincerely enough, this matter can be revealed.

"Wait for you to come back and pack you." Gu Chen couldn't fail to hear the flattering meaning in Jian Sangyu's words. He even guessed that she said so nicely. He also thought that when she came back, he could still take her. Go for another delicious meal.

  Thinking that Jian Sangyu has been in the group for a long time. She had just returned two days ago and just left. Gu Chen always felt that she had been away from home for a long time.

  Hearing her new song on the radio, Gu Chen Liao wanted to hear her voice very much.

"Then I won't go home." Jian Sangyu pouted, "Gu Chen, I told you, I have my parents, and I still have brothers. If you don't treat me better, I I'm going back to my natal house."

   "I really can afford you." Gu Chen could even imagine what expression Jian Sangyu's arrogant little face would look like.

  The car stopped at the gate of the guards. Gu Chen drove the car in after showing his credentials. This ended the phone call with Jian Sangyu.

  As for the crew, the first thing Jian Sangyu did after she hung up the phone was to repeat that sentence. Alas, he was a little annoyed to sing the lyrics over and over again.

   Then took the phone and sent out the message that was prepared to reply in the way of updating the scarf.

  #电影CEO夫人不人# Xiaohuxian can eat one ice cream every week, but I can only taste one ice cream a year. The baby is very wronged, but the baby will not say. —Jane Sangyu.

  Posting this bib, Jian Sangyu was purely to complain about Gu Chen's overbearing control over her, and also to make a hot topic for the movie by the way. Therefore, at the beginning of the bib, she added the topic of the movie.

  After sending this bib, Jane Sangyu put down her phone and went on filming.

This movie is much harder to make than Jane Sangyu’s last film. In almost every plot, Jane Sangyu needs to be carefully considered. Every line needs to be carefully polished by Jane Sangyu. The tone should be very demeanor. How is it.

  The guards, not long after Gu Chen returned to the office, Jiang Xing came to him profusely. It seemed that he had just gotten out of training. Knowing that he had returned to the guards, he hurried to his side.

  (End of this chapter)

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