To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1849: Staring at

   Chapter 1849

  When the person on the phone said this, he paused, and had a bit of amusement. "Guess, what is the reason Ji Lanxi said?"

  Gu Shen was not in the mood to play the guess-and-guess game with his old friends, and he pressed his lips and said nothing.

The person on the phone waited for a few seconds before answering, and snorted, "I know you won't pay attention to me. Okay, I'll just tell you if you don't sell it to you. I bought it from their nanny at a high price. According to the news, in front of Minister Ji and Mrs. Ji, Ji Lanxi confessed his former ignorance. The brother Ji Qianbo was ruined for half his life, and the family was extremely disappointed in her. In the past, she felt that she was their daughter. It is Ji Qianbo’s sister, so they should spoil her and love her. Now, her identity belongs to Jian Sangyu, and she can still use everything Jian Sangyu to attack Jian Sangyu. She thinks she lived before. Ridiculous."

"In other words, Ji Lanxi repented and said she was not worthy of Shen Yan, so she decided to divorce Shen Yan, let Shen Yan free, and not drag Shen Yan, and said that she would personally apologize to Jian Sangyu, and never again. Will go to trouble Jian Sangyu and obstruct Jian Sangyu's eyes."

  Speaking of this, everyone on the phone smiled, “So, don’t worry, your dear daughter-in-law will definitely not be bullied. Ren Ji Lanxi has come to her senses and wants to change her wrongs.”

  The next sentence, especially the four words before and after, was almost said in a sarcastic tone.

  Ha, I have changed my past mistakes. This sentence is used on Ji Lanxi. The credibility is really not high.

  A person who committed suicide by cutting his wrist before woke up and changed it so thoroughly?

  Ji Lanxi is not Jian Jiayue, not the kind of person who relies on Jian Sangyu’s help to help settle the rest of his life after being pushed into desperation by others.

  On the contrary, it was Jian Sangyu's existence that completely pushed Ji Lanxi into desperation.

  So, you have to ask Gu Chen. Believe it or not that Ji Lanxi wakes up, Gu Chen is impossible to believe.

"Look at what Ji Lanxi will do in the future. This woman, after committing suicide once, feels that her IQ has improved a lot. I will help you keep staring at her and her husband." The person reminded Gu Chen, " If Ji Lanxi really pretends, as long as she pretends to be good enough, do you think Minister Ji and Mrs. Ji, who raised her for more than 20 years, will believe that she has changed? Gu Chen, Minister Ji and Ji Madam is not a ruthless person. They have raised children for more than 20 years. Even if they are not related by blood, they are not much different from their own children in their hearts. Let your dear daughter-in-law guard Ji Lanxi more. She laughed on the surface and made a secret trick in private."

  Gu Shen said, after thinking about it, he added, "Help me stare at Shen Yan again."

  A person’s xinxing is easy to change after encountering a big stimulus. This is normal, but if even the IQ has also changed, this is abnormal.

  Gu Shen thought, if Ji Lanxi really used the technique of retreat to advance, then he felt that Shen Yan must have been teaching it behind his back.

  As a guard, Shen Yan knew how to use the art of war.

  Ji’s family, Ji’s father and Ji’s mother eventually did not agree to Ji Lanxi’s impulsive request to divorce Shen Yan.

  So, when Ji Lanxi proposed to move all of her things out of Ji's house and give Jian Sangyu a place, she repeatedly persisted, and Ji's father and Ji's mother couldn't stop it.

  So, that day, Shen Yan drove Ji Lanxi back to Ji's house, and took away all the things she left in Ji's house before her marriage, and all the things she didn't leave behind.

  (End of this chapter)

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