To Be With You Forever

Chapter 191: not qualified

  Chapter 191 Unqualified

   Dropping the words, Gu Chen turned around and was about to leave. He just saw the group of people hiding and watching the excitement on the side. He shouted at the people, "I have nothing to do? Want to have a meal tonight?"

  In a word, the black people over there spread out like birds and animals.

  Add meal? If this is added to dinner and food, of course everyone will think about it.

  But the extra meals their family chief said must have nothing to do with eating.

   "Hey?" Wang Tan watched Gu Chen just turned around and left. He was dumbfounded. He dragged Jiang Xing, who was also going to leave, to stop him. "What's the situation? Isn't that our sister-in-law outside?"

   "No." Jiang Xing shook his head, "The woman outside has nothing to do with us."

  Jiang Xing answered seriously, not saying that the girl outside was their sister-in-law's maiden sister. Anyway, his brother said that the one outside is not a family member and is not qualified to enter the guards, so it has nothing to do with his sister-in-law.

"Then you heard the surname Jane just now, what did you say about sister-in-law?" After Wang Tan finished speaking, he immediately patted his brain again and said, "I see, our sister-in-law is also surnamed Jane, so when I heard that The girl's surname is Jane, you thought it was our sister-in-law who came to the chief executive?"

   "Right." Jiang Xing smiled and was about to leave.

  And Jian Jiayue over there obviously saw Jiang Xing, so she ran over and called him.

   "Jiang Xing! Wait a minute!" Jian Jiayue saw Jiang Xingren when he noticed the commotion over there, but didn't see Gu Chen, and didn't know if he was in the guards.

   "Jiang Xing, Jiang Xing! What are you calling? I know you so well, so call my name?" Jiang Xing turned his head and passed the iron gate directly and unceremoniously, "Call me Mr. Jiang!"

Jian Jiayue gritted her teeth secretly. All the good friends who played with Jian Sangyu were all the virtues of Jiang Xing to her. Fortunately, those people in the compound had either gone abroad or went to work in other places in recent years. She has rarely met recently. Up.

   "Is President Gu in the guard team?" Jian Jiayue asked, this time she spoke, and even the title was omitted.

"My brother, here." Jiang Xing barked his teeth and smiled like a flower. "Do you want to see him? But my brother came out just now and saw you, saying that you are not a family member and you are not qualified to enter the guards. Going back to the office, it looks like you want to see him, but it seems you can't see him."

  Oh, the old elder whose ending is pulled is long, and it is endlessly gloating and sarcasm.

  Jian Jiayue's face changed slightly. She was afraid of Gu Chen, just as Jian's father and mother were afraid of Gu Chen. That was from the bones. So when he knew that Jian's father wanted to replace Jian Sangyu with her to marry Gu Chen, Jian Jiayue felt as desperate as the sky was falling, so she thought of a lot of ways.

When Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen were officially married, Jian Jiayue was really relieved. Before the two of them got married, she really kept praying in her heart that Jian Sangyu would marry Gu Chen quickly, so that she could completely get rid of being replaced by her father. This possibility of Gu Chen.

She drove to the guards to look for Gu Chen. She was completely agitated by Jian Sangyu’s arrogant remarks that you don’t say you are a dog. In addition, she couldn’t get through Jian Sangyu’s phone for several days and drove the car directly to the guards. .

  She couldn't get in at the house of Gu. Old man Gu didn't like her. Jian Jiayue was something she could feel in the morning, so she wanted to come to the guard team to find Gu Shen to try her luck.

  But now I heard Jiang Xing say that Gu Chen had come and left, and she was not allowed to enter the guards. Jian Jiayue's impulsive courage also ran out, and reason gradually returned.

If in front of so many people, she directly complained to Gu Chen that Jian Sangyu denied having a boyfriend on the show, then this matter would inevitably reach her father’s ears and provoke the relationship between Gu Shen and Jian Sangyu. In the relationship between husband and wife, Jian's father could not spare her biological daughter first.

  (End of this chapter)

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