To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1982: Reckless

   Chapter 1982 Reckless

  They are in the hotel, living like years, every minute, every second, worrying about Jian Sangyu’s safety.

  And now Jian Sangyu, who doesn’t know where she is, should be suffering.

  The kidnappers haven't called for money for so many days, so naturally, they didn't come for money.

  One day or two days, everyone can comfort themselves in their hearts, maybe Jian Sangyu is fine, maybe the kidnappers have not had time to do any substantial harm to Jian Sangyu.

  But it’s been three or four days, no one dared to think about it anymore, why did the kidnappers kidnap Jane Sangyu?

The news on the Internet was jointly suppressed by the Gu family and the Ji family. Soon, there was no more information about Jian Sangyu being kidnapped, and even the words Jian Sangyu and kidnapping could not appear together at the same time, becoming the majors of the moment. Forbidden words on the website and in the circle of bib friends.

  But the more it is, the more it will be understood by those smart people and the more they want to cover it up.

  The harder the news is suppressed and the clearer the traces of removal, the more it proves the authenticity of the news.

  Jian Sangyu’s fans have left messages under Jian Sangyu’s collar that they care about Jian Sangyu. The official blog of Yule Studio and Zhong Yanting’s collars, including Zhou Keke’s assistant, and Gu Qingxi’s collars, have all fallen.

  Even Gu Shen and Old Man Gu, including Jian Jialang's snood, all fell.

  Netizen: I took a quick look and saw the news about our Jane Monkey King’s accident. After a while, these news have been taken down. I really hope that these are rumors, but I feel uneasy.

Netizen: I pray that Jane Monkey King is safe, I hope she is still filming well on set, but if these are all rumors, shouldn’t it be to call Jane Monkey King out, even if it’s recording a video and posting a scarf, all Is the best way to clarify.

  Netizen: I hope the Bodhisattva will bless me, and I hope that the King of Monkey King is safe.

  Netizen: Bless! bless! I am such a kind girl, Jianhouwang, who must be kind and rewarding.

  Netizen: Wait for Xiao Sangyu to come out to clarify.

  As soon as she opened Jian Sangyu's collar, under every collar she posted recently, there were such fan messages.

   Rows of prayer words and strings of blessing words, but people are frightened when they see them, and those who watch them are restless.

  The police station, the paparazzi is more cruel than everyone thinks, and consumes more energy than anyone else.

  This day has passed with difficulty, but there is still no new clue at the police station.

  In the whole bureau, the pressure from the Gu family and the Ji family made all the staff tense and dare not relax for a moment. The night fell slowly again.

  On the dimly lit street, all kinds of people, laughing, angry, or expressionless walking.

  This street, from the hustle and bustle of the day to the silence of the night, is as completely different as two worlds.

  The dark night is like a black screen, which can block many unknown things.

  Gu Qingfeng spent another night with the paparazzi in the interrogation room, and he was exhausted, but he still could not get the least useful thing out of the paparazzi’s mouth.

"Contact an expert in psychology. Regardless of the consequences, even if you turn him into a lunatic, you must get me useful information as soon as possible." Gu Qingfeng twisted his eyebrows, and the voice was fierce with the police nearby Yuan said, "He asked for this, he is an accomplice."

  (End of this chapter)

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