To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2056: Borrow account

   Chapter 2056 Borrow Account

   "Are you shameless if you are not as skilled as people?" Old man Gu smiled cheerfully, "Your bad temper is the same as when you were a kid, it hasn't changed at all."

  Jane Sangyu pouted, reached out for a handful of the general, directly picked up the general, and reached out to rub the general's head.

  Not only did the general not resist, but he squinted his eyes with great enjoyment, then put his head on Jian Sangyu’s knee and continued to sleep with his head tilted.

   "I don't know how long it will take Gu Chen to return." Jian Sangyu sighed quietly.

  Master Gu looked up at Jian Sangyu while clearing the chessboard, "What? Miss him?"

   "A little bit, just a little bit of thinking." Jian Sangyu gestured a certain point with her thumb and index finger.

  As a result, Mr. Gu chuckled her.

  The little girl has been dull-hearted since she was a child. She admits that she has a little bit of her mouth.

"What does he want to think about? Don't care about you, don't care about you, don't allow you, don't allow you, and won't make you happy, and won't take you to a date." Old man Gu knew Gu Shen too well, "You At home, what do you want to eat, act like a baby, your aunt will buy it for you, and Jiang Xing will buy it for you, wouldn’t it be more comfortable?

  Jian Sangyu really thought deeply for a few seconds, then nodded pretentiously, "Grandpa is right! He really has nothing to think about."

  After finishing speaking, Jian Sangyu suddenly remembered another thing, "No! I still have to think about it."

Jian Sangyu stopped rubbing the general's head. The general opened his eyes and arched Jian Sangyu's palm to signal her to continue. Jian Sangyu didn't pay attention. The general shouted loudly, and then Jian Sangyu looked down. General, continue to slap the general's dog head.

"Grandpa, where is my bag? I threw my bag into the bottom of the car that day. My mobile phone and other important things are in it." Jian Sangyu was a little anxious. Did you forget your bag?"

   "At the police, today your aunt will bring you back. Don't worry, there will be no less things in you." Old man Gu thought there was something important in Jian Sangyu's bag.

  I didn’t know that what Jian Sangyu was most worried about was a wish card in her wallet.

  Gu Chen left a message when he left this wish card, saying that he could use this wish card to satisfy all Jian Sangyu's wishes.

   During this period, Jian Sangyu thought for a long time how to use this wish card.

  She is entangled with nothing more than to use this wish card to eat a spicy hot pot or a barbecue.

   Later, I thought it was a waste of eating.

"Grandpa, let me use your online shopping account, okay? I want to buy something online." Jian Sangyu smiled and leaned over to Mr. Gu, spoiled, "If I don't buy messy things, I will give Gu Chen. Buy clothes and pants."

   "Okay, I'll go to the room to get you a tablet." Don't take care of the old man's old age, but since he learns to play with a bib, he knows what the young man knows.

  I also learned online shopping. I would use a tablet to brush a certain treasure every day. However, I basically buy things for the general’s family, or buy something else.

  The interest is coming, and Mr. Gu will go to show his chess friends and show how cheap he buys some good things online. The online shopping skills of his chess friends are all illuminated by his help.

  (End of this chapter)

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