To Be With You Forever

Chapter 209: What's the order

  Chapter 209 What's the Order

  Another question that makes Lin Qianze puzzling is why fans of Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi scold Gu Chen, a person who can’t beat his eyes, for being blind?

  There is also the most doubt, Lin Qianze did not understand, when did Gu Chen become so glass-hearted? Because he was scolded by other fans for being blind, he would block them?

  In Lin Qianze's impression, Gu Chen has always lived a bit like a person from outside the sky. Since childhood, his self-discipline and restraint almost make people think that he is a person outside the nine dust.

   "President Lin, what's your order?"

The assistant outside the door was called in by Lin Qianze. After entering the door, he glanced at the boss sitting inside and felt a little frightened. In the middle of the night, Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi were involved, so that the boss was in the mood early this morning. Not so good.

   "Call up Man Yuanhe, Yang Shishi, and their agent." Lin Qianze immediately followed up with a urging word, "Let them be quicker."

  It's not that Lin Qianze wanted to help Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi solve something. Lin Qianze was purely curious about what it was about Gu Chen being blinded by these two people.

  Because of Lin Qianze's special urging, Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi, including their agent, came here really quickly.

  When the three people entered the door, their expressions were a little hopeful. They probably placed their hopes on the boss, thinking that the boss was going to discuss with them how to deal with this crisis.

  "Do you know Gu Chen?" Lin Qianze directly asked after sitting down, "Do you fans call him blind?"

   "Gu Chen?" Man Yuanhe tried hard in his mind and didn't expect anyone he knew named Gu Chen. "Mr. Lin, I don't know this person named Gu Chen. Ask Yang Shishi."

   When the two people claimed that they were lovers, Man Yuanhe was a beloved or poetic poem. Now that the matter has been exposed, Man Yuanhe is too lazy to even pretend to be a couple.

  Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi are the same batch of artists signed by the company. Neither of them can be called the senior of each other. Therefore, if there is no relationship between lovers, it is not wrong to call each other by name.

  "I don't know either." Yang Shishi replied very simply, and answered without thinking, because she was really unfamiliar with the name.

The agents of the two men thought for a long time and seriously echoed: "I really don't know which one is called Gu Chen? Good point, why would Shishi and Xiaoman fans call him blind? Mr. Lin, this time Shishi and Xiaoman's Could it be this ghost called Gu Shen?"

  In the end, the agent is an agent. This mind is faster than Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi. When they heard the question from their boss, the two agents suddenly thought of this possibility.

   "Since you don't know each other, don't ask so much. Anyway, you don't have a chance to know." Lin Qianze thought, since these three don't know Gu Chen, is Gu Chen helping others?

"Then you have made enemies with anyone in the past few days?" Lin Qian chose to understand Gu Chen's temperament. Gu Chen is not the kind of person who will put the bills in the autumn. With Gu Chen's ability, he will pack two artists. There is no need to wait for the time, nor to be patient.

   "No, Yang Shishi and I have been busy making announcements these past few days, where can I find time to fight against someone?" Man Yuanhe took it for granted.

  (End of this chapter)

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