To Be With You Forever

Chapter 213: It's an abet

  Chapter 213 is an insult

"The movies, TV series, commercials, and variety shows they talked about before have all been cancelled by their company. Their company seems to be hiding them." Lin Qiqi tutted twice, "Lin Caishen is a money ghost, It's really strange."

  "Who is the God of Wealth, Lin?" The game was over and the game was over. Jian Sangyu put her phone away in a happy mood and talked with Lin Qiqi intently.

   "It's the boss of Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi's company." Lin Qiqi thought, Jian Sangyu was probably a mudslide in this circle, walking on this road, but she didn't know any important information in this circle.

   "Why, I know, but isn't the name of the owner of Wonder Entertainment called Lin Qianze?" Of course, Jian Sangyu knew which company Yang Shishi and Man Yuanhe belonged to.

Speaking of this Lin Qianze had seen Jian Sangyu when she was a child, but later I heard that she went to study abroad, and she and Lin Qianze had no friendship. When she wanted to enter this circle, she didn’t go to fantasy entertainment, but directly looked for it. Zhong Yanting.

   "Ah? You know Lin Qian chooses?" Lin Qiqi glanced at Jian Sangyu curiously, "Lin Caishen is his nickname."

   "It's really a unique and pleasing nickname." Jian Sangyu was successfully chosen by Lin Qian and laughed.

"It's just an instigator, where did you find it pleased?" Lin Qiqi muttered, but compared to the nickname of Little Fairy Lin Sancai, it seems that the nickname of Lin Caishen is a little more pleasing. .

  Well, just a little bit.


  Lin Qiqi thought, her father and mother said that girls will disperse their wealth. This is a kind of skill and a good life!

  Although Lin Caishen did not agree with that.

Two girls can talk for a long time by staying together. This evening, Lin Qiqi and Jian Sangyu talked until four o’clock in the morning before resting. When they woke up the next day, it was already over twelve o’clock and called. After the takeout, the two continued to fall asleep.

At 7:40 on the plane, Jian Sangyu followed the crew with luggage and left the airport at 11 o’clock in the evening. The group took a rest in the city for one night, and took a bus early the next morning. It took more than five hours to reach the town where I wanted to film.

  Chaimu Town is located in the high-altitude area in the northwest. It is more than five hours' drive. This is the most memorable bus Jian Sangyu has ever taken in his life.

  Just because of the five-hour drive, Jane Sangyu was in the car, through the window, looking at the vast grassland, the boundless desert, and the yak and goats that you can’t see in Kyoto.

  On this road, Jian Sangyu and Lin Qiqi were excited like young children, holding their mobile phones and taking pictures.

Zheng Shen has been reminding the two of them to adjust their emotions. If they are too agitated, they are more likely to suffer from hypoxia when they reach the plateau. However, Jian Sangyu and Lin Qiqi couldn't control their emotions at all, and the car stopped in the middle. When they were resting, the two ran off the car and started taking pictures of each other with their mobile phones.

"Goddess, you're so good at taking pictures!" Lin Qiqi held her mobile phone and looked at the photos Jian Sangyu took of her with dissatisfaction, "I think my love for you can rise to a degree. You are like a walking private photographer! Your mobile phone can take such awesome photos! I will post a beautiful picture to Moments, and I will definitely be jealous!"

  (End of this chapter)

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