To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2136: that's right

   Chapter 2136 is right

  "Isn't it? Looking at Jian Sangyu's scarf, I saw that the tablet was smashed?" Employee B looked incredulous, "We were so happy that we were so happy looking at the scarf."

"Didn’t it mean that Mr. Ji has a personal relationship with Jian Sangyu? I heard that they look pretty good and have eaten together. Mr. Ji’s brother Ji Qianbo has a very good relationship with Jian Sangyu. Through Ji Qianbo, she and Jian Sangyu should Is it a friend?" Employee A asked.

"Let's pull it down, saying that I have a good relationship with Jian Sangyu. Before and after, it has always been our President Ji himself. Regarding the relationship between the two, Jian Sangyu himself has never mentioned a word." The employee said. Anyway, I am a fan of Jian Sangyu!"

"Yes, I think it makes sense to hear you say this. It is estimated that President Ji himself took her brother to help her show. Jian Sangyu did not expose Ji Qianbo in order to save her face! Because, before that, he had been listening to the Internet. Someone said that Jian Sangyu and President Ji are almost incompatible. It seems that our President Ji has been fighting against Jian Sangyu and secretly done a lot of things to discredit Jian Sangyu. There are so many holidays, how can two people shake hands? How about making Yanhe a good friend?"

"That's right! You see, the news that Jian Sangyu was killed and killed before was announced by the police. Therefore, almost all of us believe that Jian Sangyu is gone. During these hours, Mr. Ji is very happy every day, and we laugh at the company every day. Hehe, at noon, as soon as the news of Jian Sangyu's alive came out, here, I was so angry inside."

"If this is what you said, then our President Ji is too cruel, right? No matter how great the hatred is, we can still wait for the other party to die? People are alive, she is so angry, she is happy that Jane Sangyu died completely. Right?" After the employee Ding finished speaking, he thought it was a bit weird.

   "I hate a person anymore, at most I curse it for bad luck, and I never thought that it will die." The assistant looked towards the office and silently said nothing.

  "I did the same. I hated one of my classmates before, but when I heard that she had a car accident, I immediately thought she was so pitiful." When employee A said this, he was interrupted suddenly.

   was not interrupted by others, but by the sound of ping-pong pong from the office.

   "Did President Ji demolish the house inside?" The employee Ding opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the office. "How big is this hatred because people have come back to life and smashed the office that has just been cleaned up?"

"When you are separated, you have to go to work quickly, no matter what the reason, it is always true that Mr. Ji is in a bad mood. You must tighten one by one, don't be sloppy, lest you get fired when you hit the gun." Remind everyone.

   "Anyway, I just started to work, so I'm not afraid. If I had known that the boss was like this, I would not have come." Someone whispered, "Why did my little Sangyu provoke her, hum."

   "Okay, just say a few words." The colleague on the side dragged the speaker away.

  Everyone returned to their respective positions. In the office, there was a scream full of anger, accompanied by a more violent ping-pong-pong sound.

   Ten minutes later, the door of Ji Lanxi's office suddenly opened, and he was slammed again with a bang.

  (End of this chapter)

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