To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2154: Half stroke

   Chapter 2154

  The three of them ate at the restaurant downstairs of the hotel at noon. During the meal, Jian Sangyu finally saw the attitude of a person who wants to lose weight.

  Ji Qianbo’s lunch at noon is vegetable salad with a little beef. The rice is not touched. I heard that I haven’t eaten these staple foods for a while.

  When Zhou Keke wanted to lose weight most, he had never done such a cruel hand to himself. If he did not eat rice for a few days, Zhou Keke felt that his stomach was not full every day.

  Jian Sangyu looked at the rice that Gu Chen had filled her with, and once again felt that if she eats this way, she will gain weight soon. On this day, both Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen did not go out, and they took a rest early in the evening. The next morning, Jian Sangyu experienced a torturous morning again. When brushing his teeth, he still leaned on Gu Chen's body like no bones. The little chicken pecks the rice bit by bit, and the toothbrush is almost released.

   "I slept for a day yesterday, and still sleepy?" Gu Chen raised his hand to support Jian Sangyu's head and asked with a smile, "Don't be upset when you say you are a pig's wife."

   "Maybe I slept too much yesterday, so my body didn't react for a while. I thought I would continue to sleep like yesterday." Jian Sangyu yawned, and only after she lowered her head and washed her face was she refreshed.

   Turned his head and asked Gu Chen, "What are you doing so early? It's only after five o'clock, you can go to bed again."

   "I will go to the studio with you." Gu Chen said.

"Are you going to the studio with me?!" Jian Sangyu thought she had misheard, "Then I'm filming, are you waiting on the side? All day, there are a few night scenes, you may be bored to wait Grass grows on the head!"

  Jian Sangyu feels that this waiting method is due to personal impatientness.

"You can stay in the hotel, or you can walk around nearby, and come back when I'm off the scene, or you can send you a text message when I'm off the show, and you can pick me up on the set again! "Jian Sangyu gave Gu Chen a suggestion very seriously.

   "No, just look at you there." Gu Chen refused.

  After breakfast, Gu Chen drove the car with Jian Sangyu and Zhou Keke Xiaoqian to the studio.

  At the place, Jian Sangyu took Gu Chen to sit down in her place, then opened her backpack, and took out things from the inside like a magic trick.

"If you are hungry, you can eat some small biscuits to cushion your belly. If you are bored, you can eat melon seeds and you can also eat lollipops. There is water in the kettle. If you are thirsty, you can drink it. There are potatoes in your bag. Slices and dried fruits are very delicious!" Jian Sangyu simply stuffed the whole bag into Gu Chen's arms.

   Then, unexpectedly, she met Gu Chen with some dangerous eyes, and Jian Sangyu's desire to survive was immediately aroused.

"I didn't hide the snacks! It's not mine, I specially asked Zhou Keke to buy it for you! I'm afraid you will be too boring to wait." Jian Sangyu exclaimed, "I really didn't hide the snacks. If you don't believe me, you ask Cocoa and small money."

   After a pause, Jian Sangyu recruited some of them first, "Okay! I brought the lollipops from home and Jiang Xing bought it for me!"

   Not only recruited, but also proactively confessed his accomplices.

   "Let Coco buy the rest for me." Jian Sangyu poked Gu Chen on the shoulder, "You should believe it now, if you don't believe it, you can ask Coco to go!"

  (End of this chapter)

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