To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2197: Too piercing

   Chapter 2197

  Now, all netizens know that Jian Sangyu is traveling with his family, so there should be no reporters guarding the Kyoto Airport.

  The plane landed late and there were fewer passengers.

  Jian Sangyu and Gu Shen boarded the plane smoothly. For the safety of the plane, they turned off their mobile phones.

  At the same time.

  Ji Lanxi looked at the bib with her mobile phone, and looked at the circle of friends sent by her parents and mother, holding her mobile phone, sitting alone in the living room at home crying.

  She took out her mobile phone and called Shen Yan. As soon as the phone was connected, Ji Lanxi cried loudly.

   "They went out to play together yesterday, but they kept the secret from me and didn't tell me. Their family went to play happily without me..."

   "In their eyes, I am Ji Lanxi, and I am no longer from their Ji family. They don't want me anymore, Jian Sangyu snatched them all away."

   "I have no parents, grandparents, and elder brothers. Jian Sangyu took them away."

   "Even the aunt at home kept hiding from me for them and didn't tell me where they went. I thought that my brother was just sending grandparents back to the country, and my brother also helped them to hide from me."

  Listening to Ji Lanxi’s crying, Shen Yan didn’t know if it should be distressed or how.

  From the moment he saw the lively news on the collar, Ji Lanxi knew that when he saw it, he would definitely collapse.


  Who is this to blame?

   Blame Jian Sangyu when she is back, don’t you notify her?

  Who did things so terribly first? It's her Ji Lanxi.

  Shen Yan thought, if he was Gu Chen and he took Jian Sangyu back to Ji's house, he would definitely not let Ji's family inform Ji Lanxi.

   "Shen Yan, why don't you speak? Do you even know it? I'm the only one who doesn't know?" Ji Lanxi roared.

"I don't know, I am your husband. If they don't tell you, naturally they won't tell me." Shen Yan's voice was faint, "Lanxi, don't demand too much of others but too little of yourself, Gu Shen didn't pass the recording to your parents. He was the most kind to you."

  So, after she has done so many things, don't be delusional. On such an important day, Gu Chen will allow the Ji family to tell her to go back and destroy the atmosphere.

  Shen Yan could see that at least Grandma Ji really bored Ji Lanxi.

"It's not too late. Don't think too much about it. Rest early." Shen Yan glanced at his watch and was about to hang up. After thinking about it, he added another sentence, "If you don't want to be swept out, at this time, you Don't go home and question them, and don't ask if you meet in the future."

   "Speak up here. As for whether you want to listen to me, it's up to you."

  The words fell, and Shen Yan hung up.

  This night, Ji Lanxi was tossing around at home and could not sleep. When he closed his eyes, all he thought of was those pictures.

  On the photo, Jian Sangyu is holding her parents, her brother is standing beside Jian Sangyu, looking at Jian Sangyu tenderly. In the photo, they smile like a real family.

  Laughing happily like that, too dazzling and piercing.

   Ji Lanxi thought that this should be the most difficult night for her.

   However, it turns out that it is not.

   8:30 in the morning.

  Gu's official bib officially announced the acquisition of Xuansheng, and Gu will enter the apparel industry.

  After Gu's acquisition of Xuansheng, the company will be named after Jian Sangyu-JSY.

It will also establish its own light luxury young clothing brand with JSY as its brand name. JSY is now recruiting outstanding fashion designers from all over the world. All designers with young, dreams and actions are welcome to join the JSY family. .

  (End of this chapter)

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