To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2218: No different

  Chapter 2218 Nothing is different

  One hour later, everyone went to the restaurant, and as soon as they sat down, the noon fish banquet came up quickly.

  Steamed, braised, fried, and boiled.

  Lin Qian chose to eat fish. When he sat down and saw a table of dishes, he happily praised Wei Li that the group activities arranged this time were particularly good, which directly swelled Wei Li’s praise.

  After lunch, everyone did not go fishing, but chose to go to the recreation area.

  Jian Sangyu was pulled by Mina and Lin Qiqi to play mahjong, plus Zhou Keke, just to make a table.

  A few men play pool in another area, and the atmosphere is no less than that of a few girls playing mahjong.

  Gu Chen has no interest in playing billiards, so he did not participate. He watched for a while, but his attention turned to Jian Sangyu.

  It's just that, where he was standing, only the pony tail swaying behind Jian Sangyu's head could be seen.

  However, listening to her voice of endless laughter, I can guess that she is lucky today.

  Gu Chen turned his head to look at a few fruit trees hanging outside, then raised his foot and walked outside.

  In the entire villa, private cars can't get in. The transportation in the villa should use electric shuttle buses, so the environment and air of the villa are very good.

A few days after it rained, the fruits hanging on the fruit trees didn't even see much gray layer. Looking at it from a long distance, clusters and clusters were tiring, very attractive.

   "You continue to fight, I'll go out to smoke a cigarette." Xu Minwei noticed that Gu Chen had gone out, so she whispered to Wei Li beside her and chased it out.

  Wei Li took the cue and responded casually. After the response was over, it took several seconds to recover. It was Xu Minwei who was talking to him just now.

  When he turned his head, Xu Minwei was gone.

   "I'm all sick like that, what else do I smoke?" Wei Li muttered, then lowered his head to continue playing.

  Xu Minwei followed Gu Chen out.

  Watching Gu Chen walked straight towards a few fruit trees, and he followed.

   "Gu Shen." Xu Minwei shouted.

  The person in front returned to his senses, glanced at him lightly, then turned back indifferently, as if not seeing him, reached out to pick the red fruit on the tree.

  "Can you talk about it?" Xu Minwei asked.

  It has been a half day since Gu Chen and Jian Sangyu arrived here, and he and Gu Chen have not said a word.

  Gu Chen unilaterally ignored his existence, and Jian Sangyu kept avoiding him because of Gu Chen, and did not even look at him once.

   "What are you going to say?" Although Gu Chen's hand movement stopped, he still raised his head and looked at the fruit on the tree. He was earnestly looking for the biggest and reddish ones in the whole tree.

  Jian Sangyu is the most picky eating fruit, not sweet.

  Gu Chen's attitude was too cold, Xu Minwei was slightly stunned, and after a few seconds, he spoke.

"I am like this, you should guess that I am also sick. The doctor said that if I can control it, I might live a little longer. If I can't control it, like my brother, it will probably be two years away. "Xu Minwei said, "Xu family, just like that, if I am gone, all Xu family's things will fall into the hands of others, I am not reconciled."

  "What does it have to do with me?" Gu Chen asked indifferently.

   "I brought a lawyer this time, I want to leave all the things of the Xu family to you." Xu Minwei said.

  Xu Minwei finished, Gu Chen paused.

   Several seconds later, he looked at Xu Minwei with an inexplicable look, and opened his mouth very coldly, "I am a stranger to the Xu family, there is no difference."


     ask for a ticket



  (End of this chapter)

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