To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2230: See me joke

  Chapter 2230 See me joke

"She, Jian Jiayue, and Ji Lanxi were born in the same hospital at the same time. Because of the negligence of the hospital, the three of them were wrongly held. Jian Sangyu went to Jian's house by mistake, Jian Jiayue went to the Chen's house in the countryside, and Ji Lanxi was here. The country girl entered Ji's house."

When Wei Li said this, he sighed heavily, "Didn't Jian Jialang say on the Internet that he was going to find Jian Sangyu's biological parents? Only then did the Ji family know that Ji Lanxi was not the child of the Ji family, but Jian Sangyu was the one. It’s true that the kind of paternity test is true."

   "My God~ I ate a big melon today."

   "So, my grandmother changed from Ji Lanxi to Jian Sangyu?" A girl blurted out, "What should I do, I really want to set off a firecracker to celebrate!"

The girl squeezed away from the crowd and stretched out to pull Jane Sangyu's hand, "Oh, why didn't you say it earlier, if you say it earlier, when I come, buy a box of 10,000-ring firecrackers to celebrate! This news , Really the best news I have heard!"

   said wow, the girl shook Jian Sangyu’s hand, “grandma, let me introduce myself, my name is Ji Meimei, according to the generation, I have to call your aunt, I’m your niece.”

"According to seniority, I also have to call your aunt." A **** the side echoed, "You and Uncle Qianbo are both of very high seniority, so many of the Ji family who came today have to call your aunt, grandma. "

"Oh my God, Ji Lanxi looks down on people all day long. She's a fake for a long time?" Ji Meimei laughed happily, "It's weird. Now, how can Ji Lanxi hasn't come yet? Isn't he afraid to come here?"

   "No, her husband has something to do with the guards. She is waiting for Shen Yan, so she has to arrive later." Shen Yan had called Master Ji this afternoon and said it in advance.

  Old man Ji made sense, and let Shen Yan deal with the guards first before coming back.

   "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here! Coming! Ji Lanxi is here!" Someone on the side yelled quietly.

  Everyone, huh, all their eyes turned towards the door.

   Watched by so many pairs of eyes, Ji Lanxi can feel it without wood.

  The steps she walked into the door suddenly became heavy like a lead.

   "Shen Yan, they are all staring at me." Ji Lanxi's voice trembled, "Are they all waiting to see my jokes?"

"If you don't want to provoke your parents or laugh at them, do what I said." Shen Yan reminded Ji Lanxi in a low voice, "Take care of your mouth, if you let them Jian Sangyu is a little bit unhappy. You will be kicked out tomorrow. What you can say and what you can't say, you can do it yourself."

  Wei Li leaned close to Jian Sangyu and muttered in a low voice, “It’s uglier to laugh than to cry than to see Ji Lanxi. It’s hard to laugh.”

  Glorious, falling into trouble, this is what Wei Li plans to do today.

  As soon as Ji Lanxi and Shen Yan arrived, Elder Ji called Jian Sangyu over there.

  The family stood in a row. Old man Ji and Grandma Ji stood on the left and right of Jian Sangyu, and Gu Chen stood next to Mr. Ji. He used to be Ji Qianbo.

  Grandma Ji is with Father Ji and Mother Ji.

   Ji Lanxi and Shen Yan stood beside Ji Qianbo.

   "Today, I invite you to come and gather with us. There is a very important thing to announce to you. Today I will introduce two people to you, my granddaughter, Jian Sangyu, and my granddaughter-in-law, Gu Chen."


     April! !

     April, hello everyone! !

     There is a monthly pass again in April! ! !

     Great Demon Lord, please! ! Shamelessly ask~



  (End of this chapter)

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