To Be With You Forever

Chapter 227: Not allowed to go

   Chapter 227

This is the best hotel in the wine market. The big bed room is spacious and bright. Standing in front of the window has first-class visual effects. Jian Sangyu stood in front of the window for a while and looked at the scenery outside, then took out his mobile phone and didn’t know what he was checking. After the phone was retracted, she walked to Gu Chen's side and looked at Gu Chen with a smile.

  "Would you like a lunch break?" Gu Shen asked unexplainably, Jian Sangyu smiled and smiled extremely flatteringly.

   "I only woke up for a while, I don't want to sleep." Jian Sangyu shook her head, with a smile in her voice, "May I ask, do we have any arrangements for the afternoon?"

  Gu Chen moved Jian Sangyu’s luggage to the corner, then leaned on the table, put his hands in the pockets of his pants, occupying a height and looking down at Jian Sangyu wearing flat shoes.

  When she asked him something, she looked at him with gleaming eyes, her pink lips raised a light smile.

   "If you have something, you can just say it." Gu Chen raised his hand and rubbed Jian Sangyu's head.

  Hand feeling...

  Unexpectedly good.

  Soft, slippery.

"Shall we go to the Yaerquan attraction in the afternoon? I just saw the promotion of this attraction in the window. I checked it on the Internet and the pictures on the Internet look great! You can also ride a camel, ride a desert motorcycle, and Ya'er The spring is also very beautiful, oh, there is another piece that seems to be a reed!"

  Jane Sangyu’s excited pores all over his body are shouting, go play, go play!

   Seeing Gu Chen standing there unmoved and staring at her, he spit out three words, "Don't go."

  Jane Sangyu exploded immediately, "I have come here, and there is time, why not go?"

  Not allowed to go yet! Why are you not allowed to go?

  "Your body is not allowed." Gu Chen said.

"I'm fine, didn't you see that I ate such a big bowl of noodles at noon?" Jian Sangyu was not convinced, "I checked, Yaerquan is not high altitude, and this attraction is in the wine market, so you don't have to go far. Yes, we will go to play in the afternoon and we can go back to the hotel when we are done."

The caretaker's eyebrows were twisted, and Jian Sangyu secretly moved a few steps towards the door, "If you don't go, I'll go alone? It's very close. You can take a taxi and you can rest in the room. It’s okay to play alone."

  If Gu Chen didn't agree with Jian Sangyu, he decided to grab the small backpack next to him and run quickly.

  If you can’t run too far, let’s run and try first. What if she is lucky and there will be an elevator when she goes out?

  Unlucky enough to be caught back, Gu Chen won’t beat her anyway. At most, she will be trained. If the training is endless...

  She pretended to be dizzy.

  Jian Sangyu praised her wit in her heart.

  Gu Shen knew what Jian Sangyu was thinking from the small steps of Jian Sangyu who thought she hadn't been discovered. When she spoke, her eyes kept looking at her small backpack beside her.

   "Let's go." Gu Chen still let go.

  Not why, it’s because Jian Sangyu really wants to go, and he can't let Jian Sangyu go alone, nor can he find a way to make her happy for the rest of the afternoon.

  Gu Shen thought, since she wants to go, and she is unlikely to have a chance to come to the wine market again after returning to Kyoto, let her go back to Kyoto happily.

  Gu Chen's change was sudden. Jian Sangyu was ready to open the door in the next second and run away, but he heard Gu Chen say let's go.

  Waiting for being led out of the hotel by Gu Chen, Jian Sangyu still has a very unreal feeling that he has not recovered.


     There is a lottery in the comment area at around 3 in the afternoon. In the afternoon, everyone can pay attention to it. Participate in the event and get a gift! Anyone who has voted for this book can participate! Comments can participate in the lucky draw. It’s the Chinese New Year, and it’s time to test everyone’s luck! My dear concubines, please participate!


  (End of this chapter)

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