To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2308: Find my sister

   Chapter 2308 Finding My Sister

   "My daughter lives there." Mother Chen quickly showed off, "She is rich, do you know Ji Lanxi? Ji Lanxi is my daughter."

  Who does not know Ji Lanxi in this city?

Master Yile, "Who doesn't know Ji Lanxi? Ji Qianbo is her brother, Yang Yunrui is her mother, Ji Qianbo and Yang Yunrui are big stars, they are the big stars of our city, and the pride of our city. So who doesn't know Ji Lanxi?"

"However, Ren Ji Lanxi is the daughter of a wealthy family, so why did you become your daughter? You can really make a joke." The master obviously didn't believe Mother Chen's remarks, and even treated her as a joke. After that, I started the car and drove according to the address.

   "Ji Lanxi came out of my belly, why isn't it my daughter?" Mother Chen muttered dissatisfiedly while sitting behind, but the master had ignored her, and it was useless for her to mutter too much.

  One hour later, the taxi stopped at the gate of the community.

"Get off here, taxis are not allowed in this community." The master looked at the two people around and behind, and didn't think they were the owners of this place, so he didn't mean to negotiate with the guard, so he just hit the meter. , "A total of two hundred and forty-five yuan, is it cash? Or WeChat payment?"

"Huh? It costs more than two hundred yuan for this road? It's only four hundred yuan for a place as far as the train from Kyoto!" Mother Chen yelled, "You black spirit, don't look at us. Blackmail us from other places! We see a lot of this kind of things, and we will give you a hundred and two at most!

   Bargaining will kill half. This is the experience that Chen's mother has summed up from various small vendors for many years.

  "You are so capable, why don't you continue to take the train from the railway station to here?" The master said angrily, "We are a regular marking taxi, who will bargain for you? When I am a vegetable market trolley?"

  Chen Chungui was suddenly embarrassed, "Sorry, my mother's brain is not clear, I will give you money and cash."

  Chen's father and Chen's mother seldom took a taxi. In their opinion, the bus cost two or three yuan per trip, which is also expensive, and a taxi is more than fifteen yuan, which is also expensive.

  The two couples had been poor for a lifetime before they left the small village, and they were naturally reluctant to spend money on it.

  It is Chen Chungui, who has a small amount of money on him, so he didn’t eat and drink less, so he knew clearly that the fare was normal.

  The master took the money from Chen Chungui, and while looking for change, he said, "It turns out to be an unclear mind. No wonder when he came up, he said that Ji Lanxi is her daughter, and his feelings are crazy!"

  Chen's mother wanted to hit someone so angry, Chen Chungui saw the trend and didn't even need to find change. After getting out of the car, she quickly pulled Chen's mother out of the car. The taxis all drove away, and Mother Chen picked up the stone from the side of the road and threw it forward.

  The movement here naturally attracted the attention of the security guard.

  Watching the three people get out of the taxi in shabby clothes, still cursing, the security guard walked over and said, "What are you doing here?"

"Look for my elder sister." Chen Chungui held up his waist. In his eyes, the security guards were all incompetent. Naturally, they looked down on the security guards, and the tone of speaking naturally couldn't hide their arrogance. "My sister, Ji Lan Xi, we need to go in and find her."

  As soon as I heard that it was for Ji Lanxi, the security guards were surprised. They glanced up and down at the three Chen family members, wondering in their hearts that no matter how rich they are, they have some poor relatives.

  (End of this chapter)

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