To Be With You Forever

Chapter 231: if not

  Chapter 231 Otherwise

  Jian Sangyu looked at the phone for a long time, and didn’t know whether it was the person looking at the photo or the scenery in the photo.

  Gu Chen's speed was very fast, and when he returned, he had an extra bag in his hand.

  He stopped in front of Jian Sangyu, not knowing that Jian Sangyu had secretly taken a picture of him, took out a cup of tangerine peel juice from the bag, quickly inserted a thin straw and handed it to Jian Sangyu.

  "It's a little bit ice, don't take it too much." Gu Shen reminded him subconsciously.

  Jian Sangyu hummed, as if she was cold on the coveted cup, and put her mobile phone in her pocket without playing. She held the cup in both hands and sipped it.

  Gu Shen still had sweat hanging on his forehead. It was such a hot noon and such a long distance. He ran and ran back. There was no complaint, and there was no slightest impatience on his face.

  This is the first time Jian Sangyu realized that Gu Chen’s temper is really good sometimes.

  And before that, she never felt how good Gu Chen's temper was.

  Even everyone who knows Gu Chen has never said that Gu Chen has a good temper.

   "What's in the bag?" Jane Sangyu asked while poking the bag.

  "Mineral water, we will go up the mountain later, there is no place to sell water." Gu Chen replied, "After we go in, we will go to the desert first, and go down to Yaerquan to watch the sunset in the evening."

   "Gu Chen, have you been here?" If you had never been, how could you know so clearly.

   "Hmm." Gu Chen nodded.

  He has been to the wine market on business trips, and took some time to visit several tourist attractions around the wine market. He has indeed been here.

   seemed to be a subconscious action. When he was about to start further, Gu Chen stretched out his hand and held Jian Sangyu's hand in his palm.

   And this time, Jian Sangyu became particularly quiet, so obedient that Gu Chen turned his head to look at Jian Sangyu several times.

  Suddenly she stopped jumping and making trouble, and Gu Chen felt a little uncomfortable again.

  Although the former Jian Sangyu has always been of this temperament, but the recent Jian Sangyu has obviously made a lot of trouble, and Gu Chen seems to be more used to the troubled Jian Sangyu.

  Even if he needs to keep reminding her not to jump or run, be careful not to hit people, etc.

  "Are you unhappy?" Gu Chen felt strange in his heart, so he asked.

   "No." Jian Sangyu shook his head, then raised the cup in his hand towards Gu Chen, "The orange peel juice is delicious, Gu Chen, thank you."

   "That's it?" Gu Chen asked unbelievably.

   "Otherwise?" Jian Sangyu shook the hand held by Gu Chen, "If you can let go of your hand, I think I will thank you more."

  The following sentence successfully let Gu Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

  This is Jian Sangyu.

  To find two sentences to get angry with him, she is the normal Jane Sangyu.

  And Gu Chen thought to himself, he didn't seem to need so much thanks from Jian Sangyu, so, this hand, let's hold it.

  What if she gets up again and hits a passerby?

  Gu Chen originally planned to take Jian Sangyu to ride a camel up the mountain, but he waited until the ticket booth, let alone Jian Sangyu, even Gu Chen was frightened by the long line of people.

"I didn't see many people along the way. I thought that no one would come to the scenic spot to play in the hot weather at this time. I didn't expect that I was still naive!" Jian Sangyu Fu, such a popular scenic spot, is still in the tourist season, even if it is big At noon, how could there be no one in a tourist attraction?

  Hot, how can you resist the enthusiasm of passengers? After all, people who are afraid of heat probably won't go here.

   "If you want to ride a camel, we will wait." Gu Chen lowered his head and asked Jian Sangyu, "If you are too lazy to wait, we will go up on foot."

  (End of this chapter)

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