To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2317: Not stupid at all

  Chapter 2317 Not stupid at all

   "Aunt Mi will be happy and crazy." Jian Sangyu said.

"No, she was mad again." Mina shrugged helplessly. "I decided to focus on marriage in the future. Through this incident, I really know that there are too many in this world. A poor woman like Sister Guilan."

  When they were young, they devoted everything to their families and children. They surrounded their homes and families 24 hours a day. Their only hope was their children and this home.

  Faced with the unreasonableness of their in-laws, for the sake of family harmony, they chose to swallow their anger and take care of the children and the elderly at home day after day.

  Many women from rural areas have no culture, and some may not even go to elementary school. They come from their native families and live the same life as their parents thought.

  I waited until my husband was promising, thinking that he could finally enjoy the blessing, but was kicked out by the husband. There was no way to go, and there was no way back.

  They finally had no choice but to accept these injustices.

  They don’t know where to talk, and they don’t know who can help them.

   "Sang Yu, I want to be the person who speaks for them, and I want to be the fairness that safeguards their interests."

  Mi Na looked at Jian Sangyu, "Do you think I am stupid?"

"Sangyu, I think, in this world, someone should stand up to speak for them, and someone should stand up to help them defend their own interests." Mina didn't wait for Jane Sangyu to answer her, so he continued, "Even if you think I am stupid, and I will do the same. There is a voice in me telling me that it is worth it."

When she listened to the desperate and painful voice of sister Guilan crying when she learned the truth on the phone, there was a voice in Mina’s heart telling her that in this world, there are still many poor people like Guilan who need her help. .

"My mother thought I was crazy to do such a thankless thing. It's all about not generating income for the law firm, but also finding a bunch of troublesome things for myself to do." Mina said, eyes drooping. , I feel a little uncomfortable.

"You're not stupid at all." Jian Sangyu reached out and held Mina's hand and told her seriously, "Go do what you want to do. We are still young. We are not afraid to do anything that is not recognized by others. We are loyal to our heart. Thoughts, in the future, look back at our past, we won’t regret it, that’s enough.”

"I support you even if you open a hot pot restaurant. Now, if you have to go back to the law firm to help those who need your help, I will support you even more!" Jane Sangyu patted Mina on the shoulder, "I will do it for you Proud, Mina, think about it, in the future, you will help more Guilan sisters and more Niuniu. This is really something to be proud of, isn't it?"

  Looking at Jian Sangyu’s sincere face, Mina felt a little hot.

"Sangyu, you are so kind~" Mina was so touched by Jian Sangyu that he wanted to cry, "I knew you would approve of my decision, Sangyu, I can tell you now, no matter what happens in the future, I Mina, I will definitely not regret the decision at this moment."

   Gu Shen went straight into the study without disturbing the two people who were talking in the living room after coming out of the kitchen.

  It’s just that the door of the study was open, and he understood what Jian Sangyu and Mina said without fail.

  (End of this chapter)

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