To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2323: Can't find reporter

   Chapter 2323 Can't find a reporter

  When the police arrived and brought the two of them to the police station, Chen's mother was somewhat fortunate and said to her husband secretly, "Fortunately, our son is smart and knows he ran away."

   Entering the police station twice in a row, Chen's mother was worried that Chen Chungui had a criminal record and would not be able to marry a wife in the future.

  Father Chen’s face was not so good, he stood in the corner under pressure, gritted his teeth repeatedly, and said resentfully, “Ji Lanxi, a dead woman, dare to call the security guard.”

  No matter how the Chen family explained to the police that they were Ji Lanxi’s biological parents, no one believed the police.

  The security reported the case as a human trafficker. Therefore, the police investigated according to the human traffickers aspect. Only after this investigation found that the Chen family and his wife had not been out of the police station for a long time. Only then did they remember the aviation incident that shocked the country.

Chen's father and Chen's mother said that it was useless to slobber. The two of them stayed in the police station until the end of the evening. The police investigated clearly and confirmed that they were indeed not traffickers before educating the two couples from the police station. It was released for a while.

  At this time, Chen Chungui had already got the phone number of Ji Lanxi's office.

  He hid in a place not far from Ji Lanxi’s office and directly dialed the call with his mobile phone.

Hearing a sweet girl from a young **** the phone, Chen Chungui's heart was only angry, "I'm not good at all. You ask the woman Ji Lanxi to answer the phone, and you tell her that if she doesn't answer, then I will Find a reporter to call her!"

  The call was answered by the young assistant. Hearing the threat from the man on the phone, the young assistant panicked and called Ji Lanxi, who was about to leave work.

   "President Ji, someone wants you to answer the phone, saying yes, if you don’t answer, he will ask a reporter to call you."

  Ji Lanxi frowned, hesitated for several minutes in answering or not answering, and finally returned to the office and asked the assistant to connect the phone to the inside line of her office.

   "Hey." Ji Lanxi's mobile phone was shaking slightly while holding the microphone.

"Chen Chunhua, you are so good! Have your parents been arrested by the police, do you have a bright face? Do you feel particularly proud of a mom, dad and brother who have been in jail?" Chen Chungui opened his mouth on the phone and scolded "You bitch, you think you can turn your face and deny you when you are born in Ji's family? Ji Lanxi, let me tell you, if you don't come out to see us obediently, I'll find a reporter!"

Chen Chungui said, "I went to the reporters and told them that you, Miss Ji Lanxi Ji, who is rich, but does not recognize her relatives, deliberately called the police to arrest your biological parents and told reporters that you Ji Lanxi is not Ji's family at all. Your biological daughter, you’re a fake! I’m going to tell Jian Sangyu that the biological parents she is looking for are from the Ji family, Ji Lanxi, if you don’t want us to have a better life, don’t think about it yourself."

After some threats, Chen Chungui felt very happy, "Ji Lanxi, stay on the sidelines of being a human being. You don’t understand the truth if you want to see you in the future? No matter what, we are also your bloodless relatives. You want to turn your face and deny you. , You can't do it in your life, I tell you, it's useless."

"I'm in this coffee shop called Anxiang near your company. If you don't come within 15 minutes, that's fine. I'll just call the reporter directly. I will let everyone in the world know that you are a big brother. Miss, it's just a fake."

  After speaking, Chen Chungui hung up the phone directly.

  (End of this chapter)

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