To Be With You Forever

Chapter 236: Very happy

  Chapter 236 Very Happy

  Jian Sangyu had no psychological pressure, so Gu Chen led her to step up.

  Gu Chen handed her the helmet from the front, "put it on, and then hold my waist."

Jian Sangyu did the same. After putting on the helmet, she reached out and hugged Gu Chen's waist from behind. Feeling Gu Chen's body trembled, she let go again and asked, "Did I feel uncomfortable holding you?" "

  Gu Chen’s eyes looked at Jian Sangyu’s hands for a few seconds, and then shook his head, “Hold it as before. I didn’t say to let it go. Don’t let it go.”

  After speaking, he put on his own helmet neatly.

  Jane Sangyu glanced at Gu Shen inexplicably, but still obediently and obediently hugged Gu Shen with both hands.

  Because there is a helmet to block the wind and sand, Jian Sangyu does not feel any uncomfortable, but the sound of the sand hitting the helmet because of the speed of the motorcycle is not fake. It can be seen how big the wind and sand on the top of the mountain are.

   After all, he was worried that there was Jian Sangyu behind him, so Gu Chen did not drive the desert motorcycle out of the same speed as the last time he came alone.

  The frontal desert area is not small. Most of the tourists stayed outside, and the more they walked in, except for the occasional one or two people who also rode desert motorcycles, there were almost no walking tourists.

  All the beautiful scenery must be hidden deep.

  Different from the scene where there are densely packed tourists everywhere, the depths of this desert are really beautiful. This kind of beauty, hitting the depths of the soul, makes Jian Sangyu sigh, and it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

It was also here that Jian Sangyu felt the barren scene of what is called lonely smoke in the desert for the first time. Perhaps because of Gu Shen, she did not feel the depression of smiling lonely smoke. What she felt was The shock of the national and regional cultural landscape, what I feel is the beautiful scenery and magic of the desert.

Looking around, apart from the occasional abrupt and short greenery, there is a piece of yellow sand in front of me. The yellow sand seems to have no end. On top of the yellow sand, there is a blue sky with a bright sun. Hanging, the golden sunlight, sprinkled everywhere in this land.

  Gu Shen stopped the car slowly, and before he could take it, Jian Sangyu jumped down excitedly, running wildly on the sand like a child.

  "Gu Shen, it's so good-looking here! So good-looking!" Jian Sangyu was jumping and running in excitement, and when she couldn't run anymore, she couldn't jump, so she sat on the ground.

  Gu Chen kept waiting for Jian Sangyu to lose energy before walking from the motorcycle to her and handing her a bottle of mineral water. “Drink in small sips, don’t drink too quickly.”

In fact, Jian Sangyu was very hard to be obedient. She picked up the water and swallowed half a bottle in one breath like a buffalo. Then she held the water bottle and raised her head towards the standing tall and condescending. Smiled, "Too thirsty and uncontrollable, so it's not disobedient."

  Gu Chen looked at her smiling face, curled up the corners of her lips, raised his hand and rubbed her head through the silk scarf, "Very happy?"

   "Hmm." Jian Sangyu nodded without hesitation, "I haven't been out before, and I don't even know that our motherland is so beautiful and beautiful."

   "Take you to another place next time."

  Xu was her smile that infected him, and it was this promise that Gu Chen blurted out.

  She smiled happily, and when she smiled unscrupulously without concealing her mood, it was really beautiful.


     Is this sweet enough? Not enough to continue adding tomorrow!

     Is the dog food full? When you are full, you can follow the rhythm of the plot~~~

     Valentine's Day is coming, we who are single should eat and drink in advance~~

     Ahaha, ask for a recommendation! ! Everyone can vote for this book, and vote for "Away Wang Xing Zhi".



  (End of this chapter)

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