To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2432: Behave

  Chapter 2432 Being a man and doing things

Netizen: I agree with the one upstairs. This is a brand with a real story and sentimentality. Moreover, I believe that Xiao Sangyu’s character, Xiao Sangyu’s JSY will not disappoint. After all this, I continue to cry For a while, because I was the poor kid who didn't grab a piece.

Netizen: I feel sorry for the person upstairs, and also feel sorry for me. Thinking about the salary payment just the day before yesterday, I will reward myself with a JSY this month. Unfortunately, when I am finished, the limited edition has been sold out. Then I looked at Xiao Sangyu In the video, I bought a set of small sangyu with the same model. I am looking forward to getting the real product. In fact, I can't buy a limited edition, and other new models are also very beautiful.

Netizen: Little Sangyu, Little Sangyu, my mother said, she is your iron fan, but she grew up looking at you, can you help her set a set limit based on her being an old aunt? The models and samples are also excellent.

  Netizen: As an art student, I really like the design of JSY and I like it! Especially the contrasting colors, bold colors, but the simple and capable style design, I really like it. The price of the non-limited edition is also a little more cordial. The student party can still afford it. Going to the video of the sample clothes worn by Jane Monkey King, I am really looking forward to getting the clothes now.

  Netizen: There is a guy who eats melons here. In other words, as a new trendy brand, Xidu also officially opened its direct store today. Have you ever paid attention to Xidu? Have the little sisters who bought Xidu share with us Xidu's clothes?

Netizen: Xidu does not have an online store. As the first day it opened for sales, Xidu suffered from the traditional business model. However, Xidu opened today and the battle is still quite large. I heard that you can pick up how much you spend today. I don’t know if the invitation letter to Xidu’s next season's new product show is true.

  Netizen: Talking about Xidu under our family, Xiao Sangyu, is this disgusting intentionally? What is Xidu, please explode and roll farther away? Especially as an insider who knows that Ji Lanxi has done some disgusting things, I really feel nauseous when I hear about Xidu. As a boss, I still can't learn to be a good person, can I still do things well?

  Jian Sangyu stopped reading after reading a few pages of comments.

  Many people mentioned Xidu in her message, and I don’t know if someone did it deliberately or accidentally. In short, the person who mentioned Xidu was despised by her fans for a while.

  Fans who really like Jane Sangyu know that, in fact, the relationship between Jane Sangyu and Ji Lanxi is not very good.

  After quitting Weibo, Jian Sangyu joined WeChat.

   Seeing You Yuxin keep sending her countless exclamation marks on WeChat, Jian Sangyu couldn’t even ignore it.

  【Rolling】【Sapo】I don't care, I don't care, I am a pregnant woman and I am the eldest, anyway, I really like this set, you go help me out! ——Especially pregnant women, I am the oldest.

   Seeing You Yuxin even changed her nickname, Jian Sangyu was dumbfounded.

You want to guess that it is really gone, but there will be a new batch of limited editions in the future. In order to cooperate with the brand promotion, the new limited editions will have the same children's models. I will leave you a set at that time. Children's clothing? ——Gu Chen's Mrs. Gu.

  Don’t dislike it, even if it’s children’s clothing, it’s a limited edition, because children’s clothing is not on sale at all, and is only used as a promotional draw and gift. ——Gu Chen's Mrs. Gu.

  Even if it is a child, it will take more than a week for my son to wear it. ——Especially pregnant women, I am the oldest.

  (End of this chapter)

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