To Be With You Forever

Chapter 246: Free

  Chapter 246 is free

"You and Sang Yu stayed here that night? I didn't socialize in the evening. We can have two drinks with the old man in the two nights." Gu Chen was also regarded as Jiang Honghua when he grew up. Therefore, Gu Shen was in the eyes of the uncle Jiang Honghua. It's also a half son.

   "No, I'll take her back after dinner." Gu Chen shook his head and refused, and then said again, "Uncle has a lot of social activities on weekdays. It is rare to have time to drink tea with Grandpa at home, rather than drinking."

   Gu Chen didn't have any expression on his face when he said these words, but he was so serious. Jiang Honghua looked at the old man who nodded his head and whispered secretly in his heart. It is worthy of the old man's hand.

  Because she didn’t plan to stay here to rest at night, Jian Sangyu took out the specialty products bought by everyone from her luggage, and after lunch, she took her luggage and followed Gu Shen into the car and left the house.

  The two people entered the house at around three o'clock in the afternoon. Gu Chen asked the hourly workers to come and clean up in advance yesterday, so although there were no people living for some days, the home was spotless.

The first thing Jane Sangyu did when she entered the house was to go to the bedroom to see her rabbit Kis. The master bedroom was not found. She ran to the guest room again. She was relieved to see her rabbit Kis lying on the bed in the guest room. Back to the master bedroom holding rabbit Keith.

Gu Chen went to the kitchen and looked around, and after confirming that the refrigerator had been filled with fresh vegetables and fruits, he went into the master bedroom with confidence, while Jian Sangyu had already changed into pajamas and lay down comfortably while holding the rabbit Keith. Blowing on the air conditioner in the room, holding the phone and started enjoying it.

  "The vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator were all new yesterday. You can cook at home at night." Gu Chen stood at the door and said.

   "Oh." The person on the bed opened his mouth and responded very perfunctorily, and he was about to take off busy with his hands on the phone screen.

   "I'm going back to the guards." Gu Chen twisted his eyebrows and said again.

   "Oh." The person on the bed didn't even think about it, and continued as a response to what he said to him.

  Gu Shen stood at the door for a few seconds, but Jian Sangyu never looked up at him.

   "Jane Sangyu."

  Gu Chen called the woman on the bed with his first name and last name.

   "Ah~" Jian Sangyu responded slowly, still keeping his eyes on the phone.

  Gu Shen finally couldn't hold back, and walked from the door to the edge of the bed with his big long legs, looking condescendingly at the woman who treats him as air for more than a minute, and almost pressed her teeth directly on Jian Sangyu's body.

He lifted his hand and easily snatched the mobile phone from the unexpected person. A single press helped her quit the game. Then he threw the mobile phone far to the end of the bed. He forced her palm and his The palms are intertwined.

   "Return the phone to me, and I will be scolded to death by my teammates." Jian Sangyu was anxious, but the people on her body were so heavy that they couldn't open it like a mountain.

  "Are you free to listen to me now?" Gu Chen's expression was so dark that it could rain.

  Jian Sangyu's eyes following the phone finally came back, suddenly met Gu Chen's face, and slowly and quietly shrank her neck into the quilt.

"I said I'm going back to the guards now." Gu Chen repeated what had already been said once, and then stared straight at Jian Sangyu's face. After a second, her eyes lit up suddenly when she was puzzled. .

  "Didn’t you tell me when I was eating? How come you are now? Is the guard very busy? It’s okay, you can go back. I won’t get any more headaches when I get up this morning.

  (End of this chapter)

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