To Be With You Forever

Chapter 250: Buy shares

   Chapter 250 Shareholding

  This is her good friend of Mina. Hearing that she was short of money, she directly shot a few cards at her. For her, she was willing to move the foothold that Grandpa Jane and Grandma Jane left her.

"My mother did not agree with me to do this, but I persuaded my dad that he did not stop or support it. I sold my house in the city center, plus my savings in recent years, with you. , It must be enough to start work." Mina said, "Jane Sangyu, then I'm not polite with you. The money will be treated as a share of you, and we will hold the shares according to the proportion of the money."

  Jian Sangyu nodded, "Okay, if the money is not enough later, you tell me, I will find a way to find it again."

  Mi Na bends the corners of her lips, and with a hum, Jian Sangyu’s card is almost hot to her palm.

  Jian Sangyu gets a lot of dividends from Jane’s every year, so Mina can guess how much money will be in these cards without asking. "All the passwords are the same, they are the last six digits of my deduction number." Jian Sangyu said.

  "Come, wish us a fortune! When it opens, you, a shareholder, must come too!" Mina poured Jane Sangyu a glass of beer, "Cheers!"

Jian Sangyu didn’t think about taking money to buy shares before she came here. She only thought about lending to Mina, because she always felt that what Mina wanted to do could be done. When Mina was short of money, she took the money and said Investing in shares means taking advantage of the rice.

  Now, Mina proposed it by herself. Jian Sangyu thought about it, but did not refuse. If he loses, Mina won’t be under that much pressure.

  So, Jian Sangyu came out for a meal and inexplicably became a shareholder of Mina’s future hot pot restaurant.

  After a meal, Mina, who solved the current funding problem, was very happy, and Mina was relaxed, and Jian Sangyu was also happy for Mina.

  Jian Sangyu has always admired Mina, since she was young, she can do what she wants to do, freely.

  For the entrepreneurial idea in my heart, I quit my job at the office without fear of anyone’s rumors, and I don’t have to be afraid of Mi Mu’s obstruction.

  This is the life Jane Sangyu envy, but she will never live, so she is willing to help Mina as much as she can.

  The two left the restaurant and went home separately. Both of them were not keen on living overnight, but because of a small traffic jam on the road, it was almost nine o'clock when Jian Sangyu arrived home.

   is also eight o'clock, the night life in Kyoto has just begun, and the guards, Gu Shen can not end the night training.

   After taking a shower, Gu Chen did not read a book, but sat on the desk and took out his phone and opened the album.

  There are very few photos on Gu Shen’s phone. Except for the photos Jian Sangyu himself saved on his phone last time, only the photos his teammates took of him and Jian Sangyu in Yaerquan.

  In the photos, every one of Jian Sangyu smiled very happily, and two others were hiding behind him with toes and making funny faces and small gestures with bunny ears behind him.

  Gu Shen flipped over one by one, taking the trouble to read it again.

  After exiting the album, Gu Chen downloaded a WeChat from the software store, and then took the phone to find Jiang Xing.

  At this time, Jiang Xing was in the dormitory. Several people in the dormitory were chatting about unscrupulous topics. Gu Chen appeared at the door, and the people inside were suddenly silent.

  (End of this chapter)

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