To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2552: What else

   Chapter 2552 What else can do

  In a blink of an eye, the peaches are almost ready to eat again.

  Jian Sangyu turned her head to look at Gu Chen who was helping her with the luggage behind her, and the corners of her lips bend slightly.

  At this time last year, she was still fighting Gu Chen, but now she doesn't counsel him at all.

   "All around here are all idle panic and nothing to do, right?" Gu Chen himself hadn't talked enough to Jian Sangyu, but this group of people was good, and they kept Jian Sangyu inside and out.

   "If you don't have anything to do, I can find something for you to do." Gu Chen pointed to the side and motioned to everyone to let the opening position not block him from going to Jian Sangyu.

"Chairman, we are actually not that busy. We just heard that my sister-in-law has come to the base, so we rushed over to say hello to my sister-in-law, and said a few words to my sister-in-law to narrate the past. Up."

  Finally, there was another person who had the eye to answer, "Sister-in-law, then we go first, and we will talk when we are free tomorrow."

  After speaking, the man pulled away all the teammates around him.

"One or two, I like to get in front of you." Gu Chen dragged the suitcase on the ground, holding Jian Sangyu's hand tightly with one hand, "My wife wants to eat the peaches on the back mountain. I don't have long legs. ? I won't pick them for my daughter-in-law? I still need them."

  Gu Chen looked down at Jian Sangyu, “When the peaches are ripe, when do you want to eat, you say, I will pick it for you.”

  Vinegar King is producing vinegar again today.

  Jian Sangyu pursed her lips and smiled, then gave a hmm, nodded a little, and then followed Gu Shen to his dormitory with a smile.

  The place where Gu Shen lives is always neat and tidy. As soon as Jian Sangyu walked in, Gu Chen dragged her luggage to the bedroom. Just back and forth within a minute, Jiang Xing didn't know when he came in.

   When Gu Shen returned to the living room to look for Jian Sangyu, Jian Sangyu sat on the sofa and chatted with Jiang Xing.

   "What are you talking about?" Gu Chen asked Ji Lanxi's name as he walked over, "What else can she do?"

"Recently, I can see her name and activity every day on the collar. It's hard to know Ji Lanxi's affairs." Jiang Xing snorted, "Wei Li told me today that Ji Lanxi seems to be learning from our family. Sang Yu’s dressing, he ran into Ji Lanxi at the mall today and almost recognized Ji Lanxi as Jian Sangyu. Ji Lanxi even grew his hair in order to learn."

"It's just a shame." Gu Chen knows the limelight that Ji Lanxi has made on his scarf these days. "Ji Lanxi's company is sold. She is neither an insider nor a hot figure in the industry. The news is now being watched because of her previous identity. Now she and Ji's family have nothing to do. It won't be long before no one will pay attention to Ji Lanxi, and no one will take her news."

  The hot news on the Internet is changing quickly. Maybe netizens are paying attention to discussing this matter and this person today, but tomorrow these people and things will be quickly left behind.

"That said, now is the era of information explosion, and hot news emerges endlessly. It is purely because Ji Lanxi learns from Sang Yu to dress and dress, and I feel a bit confusing. Who is not good at learning, but I just learn from our family Sang Yu, she Isn't this intentional to be okay?"

  Jiang Xing thinks that Ji Lanxi did this deliberately. She can't get in touch with Jian Sangyu or get revenge on Jian Sangyu, so she uses this method to add obstacles to Jian Sangyu.

   However, if you really want to take this matter up and say it, then it will appear that Jian Sangyu is not generous, after all, people can't control people's clothes.

  (End of this chapter)

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