To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2605: I disagree

   Chapter 2605 I disagree

  He is at the base on weekdays, Jian Sangyu takes the child to sleep in the master bedroom, and the babysitter can sleep in the guest room. The room over there is still enough for the time being.

   “That’s right, it’s better to be vacant for a year or a half after the decoration is completed. Then as you said, your side will not move.”

  Old man Gu nodded approvingly, and started thinking about buying a new house for Jian Sangyu and Gu Shen near the old house, so that it would be much easier for him to see his little great-grandson in the future.

  The two stayed in Gu's house for about an hour and then left and returned to the base. The lawyer whom Jian Jialang had arranged with him arrived in less than half an hour after they returned. Gu Chen personally went to the door to lead the people in.

  Jian Jialang didn't rest well when he saw last night, and he looked a little tired and haggard.

   "Sister~" Seeing Jian Sangyu, Jian Jialang shouted hoarsely, "I'm sorry, I worried you."

  "What are you sorry?" Jian Sangyu waved Jian Jialang to sit, and then went to pour the guests.

  When Jian Sangyu entered the kitchen, Gu Shen asked the lawyer, “In Mr. Jian’s situation, from your professional perspective, how long will he be sentenced?”

"At present, I will look at it for three to ten years, and the specifics will depend on whether the subsequent evidence collected by the police is not conducive to Mr. Jian, and Mr. Jian’s subsequent attitude, if there will be some evidence that is not conducive to Mr. Jian in the future, For example, the confession of others in the gang, or whether the victim's deceived amount has risen or not, does not rule out the possibility of more than ten years."

Because people were arrested only yesterday, the older the arrested, the more the whole gang was arrested. Many people have not had time for interrogation, and it is not ruled out that there are still deceived people who have not yet come to report. Therefore, these things, There are still variables.

  Because the police have not arrived early in the ledger yet to determine the distance amount related information.

  The arrested people all wish they could go to jail less. Naturally, the police squeezed a little bit and they said a little bit. Knowing that they are in jail, no one will fully cooperate.

"Jalang means to send Mr. Jane to the psychiatric evaluation center. Although Mr. Jane will most likely need to spend time in a nursing home in the future, it is always like being in prison, and in a nursing home, there is a possibility of recovery. of."

  After the lawyer finished speaking, he stopped talking.

  Sent for a psychiatric appraisal based on Jian’s father’s current mental state, and he may be able to get a mental illness result without doing anything. The lawyer saw Jian's father last night and in the morning, and even the well-informed lawyer felt that Jian's father was really crazy.

  But the lawyer didn't say these words, because he also knew in his heart that these guesses were only possible. After all, he was not professional in this regard, just guessing casually in his own heart.

  In order to be safe, Jian Jialang definitely needs to do something in the middle.

   Then, these risks must be borne by Jian Jialang alone.

  The biggest source of this risk is still Jian’s father, who is a big unstable factor.

   "Sister, no matter how much I hate him, I can't just watch him go to jail." Jian Jialang said.

"I don't agree." Jian Sangyu put forth her attitude directly, "I don't agree with you to do something. If you have to send him for a mental appraisal, you can, but I have a request. You can't make any changes. , What result is given by the appraisal, what result you have to accept."

  (End of this chapter)

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