To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2607: Whose call

  Chapter 2607 Who's calling

  Jian Jialang dare not bet on so many possibilities.

  In comparison, it seems that the other method is much simpler.

"Jalang, you should think carefully, don't do these reckless things on impulse." Gu Chen looked at the two elder brothers with solemn expressions, and reminded Jian Jialang aloud, "What you do is very likely to happen. Become your own fault."

  After Gu Chen finished speaking, everyone in the room became quiet.

  Hundreds of times, everyone understood that Jian Jialang was not clear, nor did he fail to understand. He just couldn't get through this big event as a son to face his father. He was clearly capable of changing but indifferent.

  Perhaps because he followed Jian Sangyu since he was a child, he was brought by Jian Sangyu from the beginning of his record, so in this respect, Jian Jialang's personality is extremely similar to Jian Sangyu.

   Emphasizes love and justice, is soft-hearted, and people are too kind.

  Just as everyone was waiting for Jian Jialang to make a statement, Jian Sangyu’s cell phone rang suddenly.

   "Whose phone number?" Gu Chen asked casually when Jian Sangyu curled his eyebrows.

   "I don't know, it's a foreign phone number." Jian Sangyu answered as he said, and Jian Jialang yelled out when he said "Don't answer."

  Jian Sangyu took the phone and glanced at Jian Jialang. When he was hesitant to listen to Jian Jialang and hung up the phone, Jian Jiayue’s voice came from the phone.

   "Sang Yu, it's me, I'm Jian Jiayue."

  Jane Sangyu put the phone to her ear, "Well, did you change the phone number?"

  Jian Jialang’s previous phone number is not this. Jian Sangyu has a good memory. Although he didn’t remember it deliberately, he still knew that Jian Jiayue changed her phone number.

   "The ex-boyfriend is too annoying, so I changed it." Jian Jiayue explained, and then asked, "Is Jian Jialang with you now? I called him, but he never answered him."

   "He and his lawyer are in the base, and I and Gu Chen are with them." Jian Sangyu responded, "You are looking for Jialang? Is it for the hot thing about the scarf?"

"Yes, is he worrying about helping his dad get rid of the crime? Is he still thinking about letting his dad stay in a sanatorium for a period of time as a neurotic to avoid the limelight?" Jian Jiayue said this and sneered, "I am I didn’t spend much time with Jian Jialang as long as you, but I can still guess what Jian Jialang’s temperament is, Sang Yu, you can’t persuade him."

   is worthy of being a sister and brother, and he has a thorough understanding of Jian Jialang's temperament.

   "Sang Yu, he won't answer my call. You turn on the phone and let me talk to him." Jian Jiayue said, "Thank you."

  Jian Jiayue’s politeness still made Jian Sangyu a little uncomfortable, but she still turned on the phone according to Jian Jiayue’s meaning and put it on the table, "Well, you can tell him."

   Jian Jiayue on the phone called Jian Jialang, and then asked him directly, "Why didn't you answer my call? What? Are you really planning to cut off contact with me completely?"

   "No." Jian Jialang quickly explained, "I saw an unfamiliar number. I thought it was the reporter who saw that I didn't answer the phone and deliberately changed the overseas number to call me."

  Jian Jialang didn't dare to answer any call with an unfamiliar number. When he answered, the other party would only ask him unceremoniously.

  Some people with a better attitude will use a sentence of you, a question, and a hello, some with a bad attitude, that tone, those words, as if Jian Jialang was the scammer,

  (End of this chapter)

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