To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2637: Last leg

  Chapter 2637 The last journey

  Shen Yan came back three days later.

  The last time he contacted Gu Chen, Ji Lanxi had just disappeared and was in search and rescue.

  Waiting for him to wait for the flight at the airport, and when he had internet access, he found out that the overwhelming news was that Ji Lanxi had died.

  Shen Yan has seen too many life and death in this life.

  He saw his teammate die in front of him in distress.

   also personally sent away the lives of countless murderers.

  Especially during the period after the divorce and going abroad, in the most dangerous days, he almost felt numb when he saw the piles of dead people. Shen Yan always felt that the word death was as light as a feather to him.

  Even when he stepped out of the country, he was already prepared for death.

  But he never thought that Ji Lanxi would die before him.

   would be Ji Lanxi, who he thought was still living in China.

Obviously, the last time she was looking at the bib with her mobile phone, what she saw was that she went shopping every day like a okay person. Even though she was scolded on hot searches every day, she still wandered tirelessly in major shopping malls every day. The harvest is full.

  Later, he unloaded the bib and went to a place with no internet.

  It seemed that he had lived a dark life, and suddenly received news, telling him that Ji Lanxi's life and death after jumping down the river is unknown. Then, Ji Lanxi died.

  This is the first time Shen Yan has felt such a heavy emotion from the word death.

  The plane landed at the airport, and Ji Qianbo and his assistant picked up Shen Yan at the airport gate.

  It seems that Shen Yan has changed a lot in just a few dozen days.

   "She..." Shen Yan got in the car, and it took a long time to speak, "Where is Lanxi now?"

   "Funeral parlour." Ji Qianbo said, "She soaked in the water for a long time, and she had to be cremated if she couldn't wait too long. Fortunately, you came back in time."

  If you wait a few more days, I’m afraid I can’t wait at all.

  Two hours ago, the car stopped in front of the funeral home.

  Shen Yan felt that his legs were nailed to the car, unable to move.

  In the black and white funeral home, even the flowers at the door are white chrysanthemums.

  The only color that is a little different is the wreaths.

   "Get off the car." Ji Qianbo patted Shen Yan on the shoulder heavily, "Go and see her for the last time."

  After speaking, Ji Qianbo slowly got out of the car with a cane.

  Shen Yan got out of the car a few minutes later and walked in step by step behind Ji Qianbo.

  The body beautician has dressed Ji Lanxi time and time again, but even with the skillful hands of the body beautician, it is difficult to conceal the paleness of the lost body.

  It was the pale of losing blood.

  Shen Yan looked at lying quietly in it, no longer hysterically arguing with him, Shen Yan yelled softly, "Lanxi, I'm back."

  This sound is very light and light, as if it is afraid of waking up a sleeping person.

  However, this person will never answer him again.

  Chen Yan’s tears fell one by one.

  He would rather Ji Lanxi continue to make trouble and yell at him uselessly, and would rather Ji Lanxi continue to arbitrarily and unreasonably ask him to help him drive Jian Sangyu away.

   also didn't want to see her lying here without her life, waiting for the final end.

"This is Lanxi's relic. I think Lanxi will want to give you these things. If you don't want them, let these things be buried with Lanxi." Grandma Ji told Ji Lanxi's mobile phone and some other things. The thing was handed to Shen Yan.

  (End of this chapter)

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