To Be With You Forever

Chapter 264: Born to be beautiful

  Chapter 264 Born to be beautiful

   After speaking, Zheng Shen didn't speak any more, but took a bunch of skewers to Jian Sangyu beside him.

The reason why Man Yuanhe and Yang Shishi were banned, Zheng Shen knew in his heart that it had nothing to do with Jian Sangyu. Jian Sangyu did not have such a great ability. If it weren't for his wife and him to help Jian Sangyu, maybe Jian Sangyu hadn't even reached the threshold of this trip. . Zheng Shen is not a ignorant person, he knows that he decided to let Jian Sangyu participate in the recording of that show to promote the crew, and many people in the crew have objections.

  There was even their agent who called him after hearing the wind, but Zheng Shen ignored it.

  At Zheng Shen's current position, he already has enough willful ability and capital.

   Except for the accident that Yang Shishi, Man Yuanhe fans and Jian Sangyu fans were struggling with each other, Jian Sangyu's performance in that show was also remarkable, and she also tried her best to promote the crew as much as possible.

  Even because of the mutual pinching of fans on both sides, Jian Sangyu’s fame has also been driven, and the TV series Jian Sangyu is currently filming has also entered everyone's field of vision.

  The good effect of the final publicity came out of Zheng Shen’s surprise.

  Zheng Shen did not tell Jian Sangyu that he has not been idle these days, and has also received a lot of calls to discuss advertising cooperation.

  The early publicity of this play has almost not officially started, but the publicity is already higher than that of any work shot by Zheng Shen a few years earlier.

  I can’t figure out what Jian Sangyu’s identity background is, but Fang Sisi always knows that Zheng Shen and Jian Sangyu have a good relationship, so he is even more upset that he shouldn’t have said those words impulsively just now.

  "Excuse me, Director Zheng, I didn't have a quarrel with Jian Sangyu, just chatting casually." Fang Sisi was not sure whether Jian Sangyu would care about her at this time, so he didn't ask to be boring to continue talking with Jian Sangyu.

  This is just a small episode for Jian Sangyu. As Zheng Shen said, the grilled lamb chops here are indeed very fragrant. If it is not for fear of getting caught up with eating too much, Jian Sangyu will definitely enjoy it.

  Because it was going to be busy the next day, no one drank any alcohol. A group of people left after 11 o'clock after eating.

  There are many makeup artists in the crew. Lin Qiqi was added temporarily, so Jian Sangyu was not assigned to her. Instead, the makeup artist who gave Jian Sangyu makeup when she took the makeup photo that day was responsible for Jian Sangyu's makeup.

  Lin Qiqi glanced at the list of actors assigned to her, and refused the job if she was not interested, and then sat beside Jian Sangyu watching Jian Sangyu put on makeup.

"The little prince protein said that you often stay up late to play games. Once you are addicted to the game, you are very fierce. I don't understand. Why is your skin so good?" Lin Qiqi stretched out his hand and touched Jian Sangyu while she was putting on makeup. Hands.

  The piano hands, coupled with the fact that they don’t have to do housework all year round, and they have been well maintained, so Lin Qiqi couldn’t find words to praise Jane Sangyu’s palms.

"It should be natural beauty." The makeup artist smiled and took Lin Qiqi's words. She applied makeup to Jian Sangyu. She knew that Jian Sangyu had a soft temperament and was a colleague with Lin Qiqi. .

   "You praise her like this, she should be proud." Lin Qiqi burst into laughter, halfway through her laugh, the phone rang, she glanced at the call, and then went out of the dressing room to answer the phone.

  (End of this chapter)

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