To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2664: Sister Guilan is visiting

   Chapter 2664 Sister Guilan's Visit

   "Where are you?" Gu Chen asked, "Change your camera, I want to see you."

  Jian Sangyu stuck her finger at the switch button, and then stuck out her tongue at the camera and made a face.

   "Chen Dong added you back?" Gu Chen knew what she was proud of when she looked at Jian Sangyu's smiling face.

   "Hmm! Yeah!" Jian Sangyu nodded again and again, "Chen Dong is so angry."

  "It is better to be angry with them than with me." Gu Chen responded.

  Chen Dong, these people don’t know this private conversation between the two couples. I know, I guess they’re really going to be **** off.

   "Jian Sangyu, I have a question." Gu Chen took the towel and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then asked, "Why is there no me in the group of Xiao Ba Tuan Kindergarten?"

   "I also came out of this kindergarten, why are you all in the group, but I am not here? Huh?" Gu Chen asked.

  The small eight group is not the kindergarten's destiny, but everyone in the courtyard called the kindergarten that way. The children who grew up in the courtyard were basically from this kindergarten.

  This WeChat group has been established for a long time, but Jian Sangyu himself was not active earlier. Some of Chen Dong’s brothers were also abroad, and Lin Qianze was not in the group, so the group was relatively quiet.

  Until Jian Sangyu entered the showbiz, until her relationship with Gu Chen recovered, and the media in the circle began to speculate about her love life, the group slowly became lively.

  Lin Qianze was later pulled in by Qin Ge.

  Why not pull Gu Chen?

  Because no one thought of it.

  Where the group was founded, everyone never thought about La Gu Chen.

It’s not that everyone doesn’t like Gu Chen to encourage Gu Chen on purpose. It’s not at all. On the contrary, everyone doesn’t have Gu Chen’s WeChat account at all, and Gu Chen’s temperament is relatively cold. Interested, so when I saw Gu Chen, I didn't ask him specifically.

  Jian Sangyu, the daughter-in-law, that is really forgotten.

   "I will pull you into the group." Jian Sangyu immediately admitted her mistake.

  Gu Chen gave a satisfied hum.

  Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen chatted with their mobile phones for a while, and the aunt called Jian Sangyu to eat fruit. Jian Sangyu responded, and then slowly returned to the house with her mobile phone.

  "You are busy, I will eat my fruit." Jian Sangyu waved a small hand at the person in the video.

  It's just that she just sat on the sofa, and guests came outside the door.

   "Old man, Sang Yu, there is a lady named Guilan outside the door saying that I want to see you." The aunt recognized Gui Lan, "It's the girl's mother, Niuniu."

   "Let her come in." Old man Gu nodded, and he remembered who he was when he heard the name Guilan. Old man Gu felt sorry for the death of the little girl.

  Sister Guilan stepped into such a big family for the first time, so when she followed her aunt and entered the door, she was a little embarrassed.

  Knowing that she saw Jian Sangyu waiting for her at the door of the house, Sister Guilan smiled comfortably at Jian Sangyu.

   "Sangyu." Sister Guilan followed and greeted the old man behind Jian Sangyu, "Hello, old man Gu, sorry, I didn't say hello before, so I took the liberty to come over and disturb the two."

  Sister Guilan is also carrying a big sack, which contains some local products that she specially brought.

"Sangyu, this is a specialty from our hometown, this year's freshly pressed tea oil, this is our wild red mushrooms, these are some fungi, and these dried bamboo shoots." Sister Guilan smiled, " We have these specialties, and I have nothing else I can bring to you. They are all with a little heart."

  (End of this chapter)

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