To Be With You Forever

Chapter 267: Love never return

   Chapter 267

  Not a rhetorical question, but a certainty.

  Jian Sangyu’s heart beat, and the alarm bell rang.

  How could this guy suddenly know so clearly?

"Jian Sangyu, do you really take your body as the same thing?" Gu Chen sneered after asking, "You still had a headache the day before you came back from the wine market, and the next day you were still on the plane. It’s not very good, it’s amazing. As soon as I leave, you will immediately book the ticket."

   "I..." Jian Sangyu opened her mouth to explain that she was coming back here to film the film and that the crew could not wait for her.

  But Gu Chen did not give her a chance to speak, he interrupted her with extreme anger.

"Jian Sangyu, shut up." Gu Chen still couldn't hear the slightest emotion in his voice, cold, and even his anger was covered up, "I will let you rest at home obediently, and wait for me to come back on the weekend, but it is visible, You seem to have never heard my words."

   "Since you don't care about your own body, that's OK." Gu Chen said indifferently, "That's OK, in the future, I don't care about your business."

  Jian Sangyu never knew that when a person is indifferent, a single sentence, a tone and an attitude can make people so sad.

   "Gu Shen." Jian Sangyu cautiously shouted to Gu Shen, "I will go home next month."

  "It's up to you." Gu Chen responded faintly, paused for two seconds, and added, "If you love it, it's up to you."

After speaking, Gu Chen hung up the phone, and then threw his phone on the sofa very annoyed. His eyes were on the small desk calendar beside her dressing table. The time of the desk calendar stayed when she returned to town. That day.

  There is a fire in Gu Shen's heart, but he wants to send it but has nowhere to send it.

  He can't yell or yell at Jian Sangyu on the phone. He has been holding back and holding back, but he found that the more he bears it, the greater the anger.

  He left for a mission two days ago. He returned to the base last night, and only took a two-hour rest. He was worried that Jian Sangyu would wait for him at home, so he drove out of the base early in the morning.

  When passing by the breakfast shop, he thought that Jian Sangyu had the habit of laying in bed, so he got off the bus and brought Jian Sangyu a breakfast.

  This breakfast is still exuding heat on the coffee table. Gu Chen walked over and threw the breakfast into the trash can when he raised his hand.

  Anyway, the person who should eat it is not at home. What is the use of keeping it?

  Gu Shen took the car key and slammed the door and left home. Without going anywhere, he went directly to the base dormitory.

   After entering the door to change a set of clothes, he went directly to the boxing room. All morning, he never came out of the boxing room where he was alone.

  At the hotel, Jian Sangyu was completely awake because of Gu Chen's call.

  Listening to the beeping sound, Jian Sangyu's heart panicked a little.

  She knew that Gu Chen was really very angry this time.

  Jian Sangyu also knew that Gu Chen was angry because of his reason. He was worried about her body, but she was disobedient and came back early.

  He should be angry.

  Jian Sangyu wanted to say sorry to Gu Chen, and then confess his mistake to Gu Chen. It would be better to say a few more words to soften Gu Chen.

  After Jian Sangyu mustered up the courage to dial the call, Gu Chen did not answer.

  Jane Sangyu's heart is cold, and when it's over, President Gu is really angry this time.

  Jane Sangyu opened WeChat, clicked on the avatar friend of her ugly photo, found the cutest and cutest apology expression from the emoji package and sent it over.

  Waiting for a few seconds, Gu Shen replied, and she sent another copy of exactly the same past. Gu Chen hadn't responded yet, and Jian Sangyu simply swiped a long list of them.

  Gu Shen never responded.

  Jian Sangyu sighed and lost the mood to continue sleeping. After washing, she went out to the theater.

  Zheng Shen was shocked when she saw Jian Sangyu coming over early in the morning, and asked, "Why don't you sleep longer?"

   "It's okay, I'll study more." Jian Sangyu raised her eyes and smiled at Zheng Shen, then moved the small stool and sat beside Zheng Shen.

   "Children can be taught." Zheng Shen nodded with satisfaction.

  Jian Sangyu has been paying attention to the mobile phone WeChat, but she did not expect that after lunch, Gu Chen finally moved on WeChat.

  It’s a pity, but the system prompts that she is no longer Gu Chen’s WeChat friend.

  Well, Gu Chen pulled her black without saying a word.

  (End of this chapter)

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