To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2687: I am talking about you

   Chapter 2687 is talking about you

Because I’m not a member of the Qin’s Wood Industry, I personally listened to what Xiao Sangyu said, and I thought it was great, but I had no right to call the shots and promise Xiao Sangyu that he could do this. I told Xiao Sangyu that I would Go back and ask the relevant person in charge of Qin's Wood Industry and give her a reply.

  Everyone knows about Zhou Xuan’s temper and personality. I was so quick and hot, I never remembered to chat with Xiao Sang Yuduo. I was very excited to go back with the activity plan Xiao Sang Yu told me.

The first thing I did when I went back was to turn on the phone and convert the content we said in the office into words, and then print it out as a complete event planning plan, together with the one that Qin's Wood Industry gave me at the time, and prepared it for Xiao Sangyu The endorsement contract was handed over to Ms. Qin Xiang, the person in charge of Qin's Wood Industry.

  On that day, Ms. Qin Xiang said that she needed to have a meeting with the company’s senior management and asked me to go back and wait for news.

  Unexpectedly, I never expected that what I was waiting for was the news of the replacement of the spokesperson of Qin's Wood Industry from others.

  It was the same afternoon that I left Qin's Wood Industry. Without telling me, Qin's Wood Industry quickly changed its spokesperson.

Let’s go, I’m a Zhou who ran for you, so you don’t respect me. To change the spokesperson is something that Qin’s Wood Industry has the right to decide. I’m an outsider, I’m so angry, what else can I say What? Right?

  There is no way, who made me Zhou Xuan so hot and kind to be fooled by others?

  But, Qin's Wood Industry, now your spokesperson has changed, and you have used the event planning that Xiao Sangyu came up with grandiosely. Are you too shameless?

  Have you asked Xiao Sangyu before using it? Have you asked me?

  I didn’t even ask, so I took other people’s things as my own, so I used the activity plan.

  Really, I, Zhou Xuan, grew up so old, and it’s the first time I have seen such a shameless person and company in Qin's Wood Industry.

As for the   people, it’s you, Qin Xiang.

  Double-faced, while telling me that you also like Xiao Sangyu very much, and you like me very much, so I hope I can help you negotiate this endorsement with Xiao Sangyu, but secretly do these wicked things.

  Even if you spray a hundred bottles of perfume, you can’t cover up the stench that comes from your personality.

  I Zhou Xuan despise you! @秦湘.

  Qin's Wood Industry, I asked you if you blush? Are you ashamed? What happened to such a large enterprise? The company can't find someone to come up with your own activity plan? So you have to be a robber and use other people's things as your own? For companies like yours, hehe, even if the whole world can't buy homes in my life, Zhou Xuan will not buy yours.

  The evidence will be released later in Xiao Sangyu’s studio. Everyone can go squatting. The video we talked about in the office that day, the high-definition video, wait. ——Xiao Sangyu’s fan girl Zhou Xuan.

The    studio had to sort out these evidences before sending out the scarf. Jian Sangyu forwarded Zhou Xuan's scarf with a despising expression and a sentence.

  Taking oneself without asking is stealing. Since then, he has been black against the Qin family.

  Just like Zhou Xuan said, if you finally entered the discussion and felt that I was inappropriate to be the spokesperson of your company, you can clearly put forward your decision and tell me directly that it is completely fine.

  (End of this chapter)

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