To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2719: You just be quiet

   Chapter 2719 You Just Be Quiet

At 11:30, Qin Xiang arrived downstairs at Zhou’s branch in Kyoto. Qin Xiang had been here, so I knew Qin Xiang at the front desk. When Qin Xiang said he wanted to see Mr. Zhou, the front desk informed Qin Xiang. Then let Zhou Xuan go upstairs directly.

  At this time, Zhou Xuan, who had nothing to do, was also in her brother's office, and when she heard Qin Xiang said that she was coming to see her brother, Zhou Xuan's whole body exploded.

   "What is she doing? She still has a face?" Zhou Xuan stood at the door of the office with her arms akimbo, "Brother, you should let her go, you even let her come up, did you get some ecstasy soup from her?"

"Sit back for me!" Xiao Zhou always looked at Zhou Xuan's vixen who was about to fight, and whispered people back, "Sit there honestly. You just don't let you speak. Be quiet!"

  Zhou Xuan stared angrily, and sat back unwillingly.

  Two minutes later, Qin Xiang followed the secretary into the office, and saw Zhou Xuan sitting there, Qin Xiang's expression changed slightly.

   "Xuan Xuan is here too." Qin Xiang still called Zhou Xuan's nickname like the other day.

"Yeah, can you not be here? It's rare to want to do something seriously, but I was overshadowed by someone. I'm not busy trying to get some pocket money with my brother, and still expecting an outsider?" Zhou Xuan did Baba responded. Seeing her brother glanced at her, she moved her head away and snorted.

"Don't mind, Xuan Xuan speaks more straightforwardly because of the child's temper." Xiao Zhou always explained to Zhou Xuan with a faint smile, and then made a gesture to invite Qin Xiang to sit down, and asked, "I don't know. Why did Miss Qin come to see me today?"

"Qin Xiang, I can tell you, don't even think about seduce my brother! Don't even think about being my sister-in-law in your life. Last night, my dad and your dad made it clear about the marriage of the two families. It’s okay at home, our Zhou family can’t afford your daughter-in-law.”

  Zhou Xuan couldn't help it, and then sarcastically said to Qin Xiang, “Smiling in front of you, and stabbing someone in the back. Wife like you, whoever has this blessing will take it.”

   "Xuan Xuan, I'm really sorry about this." Qin Xiang looked ugly. When she came over, she really didn't expect Zhou Xuan to be here.

"Pull it down, you're sorry, you should keep it yourself, first give someone a knife, and then say, oh, I'm sorry, who should I coax? If I give you a knife and then say sorry to you, what's your mood?" Zhou Xuan Seeing that my brother wanted to make tea for Qin Xiang, he yelled, "Don't make it! I collected this tea for you! Such a good tea is also made for this kind of scum, so I'm blind!"

Seeing that her brother did not move well, Zhou Xuan exploded, "You are still soaking! Brother, I can tell you, if you do this again, next year's new tea I will cook tea eggs for Xiao Sangyu, and not give it to you. ."

  Zhou Xiao Zhou's hand making tea pauses slightly, this threat is a bit harsh.

   "Okay, I opened it all and I didn't make it. It's not a waste?" Xiao Zhou comforted Zhou Xuan, "Only this package, I won't make it in the future."

  "Soak it for me! Let me drink!" Zhou Xuan took out her brother's thermos pot from under the table, and put it on the coffee table, "Soak it here, I will take it back and drink it slowly!"

   "Zhou Xuan, are you sick?" Xiao Zhou always looked at the 500ml thermos flask, "Do you eat it as a meal?"

  (End of this chapter)

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