To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2731: Transfer

  Chapter 2731 Transfer

  "Mother and eldest brother said that they will come to Kyoto to see you in a few days." After closing the door, Gu Chen remembered that he had not told Jian Sangyu about this matter.

   "That's great." Jian Sangyu was really happy, "Did you see your mother and brother today?"

"I saw it. Mom gave me several safety buttons, which she asked for incense, including Jiang Xing, our family, one for each person. Yours is also in my jacket pocket and put them with mine." Gu Chen pointed to the coat he hung on the side.

  "Bring it to me, and find out the picture of you for me." Jian Sangyu took the phone and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  Gu Shen handed her the safety clasp, and she took it.

   is a jade safety buckle. The quality of the jade is not cheap. It is a small safety buckle the size of Gu Chen's thumb nail, which is tied with a red string.

  Jane Sangyu put it directly on her neck.

  Gu Shen went to the study to get her photos, and Jane Sangyu took the time to put on her scarf.

  She remembered that when Gu Shen called her at noon, the press conference would come out after one o’clock in the afternoon. It’s been an afternoon, and I don’t know what the situation is now.

  After an afternoon, news events that were predicted to be collectively transferred by residents in the earthquake area directly occupied the hot search of the scarf.

  Jane Sangyu put on the scarf, and there was even a pop-up window to remind her.

  Enter from the pop-up window, Jian Sangyu can see the actual broadcast on the spot.

  Several cities and various departments cooperated with each other. In one afternoon, the city suddenly became deserted.

The shops on   street have all been closed, and the remaining residents are gradually moving to safety.

  The reporter’s camera was turning around the corner of the street, and the scene was reporting to the netizens on the transfer of residents.

  The official result is that all people will be moved out of the earthquake zone before 5 o’clock tomorrow morning to ensure the safety of people’s lives.

  It's just that the transfer of residents is not very smooth.

  In addition to some people who want to carry large and heavy luggage when they are walking, there are also some people who firmly do not believe that their city will experience an earthquake, and will not listen to the staff's arrangements to leave.

  "Each car has a limited load. I hope that every resident can cooperate with the staff here, abide by relevant regulations, and do not bring excess luggage on the car."

"Don't bring those pots and pans. They are not valuable. Bring your hukou ID card and some portable valuables. The most important thing is your clothes. Don't always put things in the boxes. ."

  Under the lens of the reporter, the staff held horns one by one to maintain the order of transferring the scene.

  In the end, the reporter also went to a house that was unwilling to leave.

  No matter how the staff tried to persuade them at the door, the door of their house was still tightly closed, but no one came to open the door. The people inside were scolding these people to be alarmist through the door, scolding them to eat and have nothing to do, and make trouble for the people like them. Below these videos, netizens looked chilling and worried for these staff.

  Netizen: Forget it, what do you say to these fools? With this time to persuade these wooden heads, it is better to go to the parking lot to help maintain the order.

Netizen: If you take away your work notebook, I can understand it. If you take away gold and silver jewelry, I can also understand it. Even if you take away your parents’ tablets, I can understand it, but these pots and pans What do those people who are going to take away think?

  (End of this chapter)

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