To Be With You Forever

Chapter 2773: Surprises

   Chapter 2773

  When I was in the south, I was familiar with it, and I had many friends. When I came to Kyoto, I really didn’t have a few people to make appointments even when I was out shopping.

"I plan to go back to the South next month. April and May in the South are much more comfortable than in the North." Zhou Xuan sighed, "It's been a few months, and sometimes I feel chilly when I go out. If I'm in the South, I can wear my little skirt."

"If I go back to the South, I would be a little bit reluctant to let your friends go." Zhou Xuan said, "This time I go back, my parents should go back and arrange for a blind date. The elders in the family hope that I will not marry too far, so they will marry in the local area and be closer to home. They are more at ease."

"I have the same parents in the same world. My parents also said that if I marry someone, I will marry a local person in Kyoto. They said that if I dare to find a boyfriend from other places to marry away, I will interrupt my dogleg." Lin After Qiqi finished speaking, he laughed haha, "Then my brother said that my parents were worried too much. I obviously can't marry in this life. I still marry away. At least I can marry away."

  "The same world, the same brother." Zhou Xuan finished speaking, and then looked at Jian Sangyu, "That's not the case for Teacher Ji, Teacher Ji must be a particularly gentle brother."

"If it were Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji would say that no matter who is such a good girl as my sister, no one will be willing to treat her badly. As long as she is happy, she can marry wherever she is. If she is not happy in the future , You can come home anytime." Lin Qiqi waved his hand, "The world owes me a brother like Teacher Ji."

  "I also owe a brother like me, as if I exchanged a brother with Xiao Sangyu." Zhou Xuan was really envious.

  The three of them chatted and went to the bathroom.

  The entrance door of the bathroom was closed, and Jian Sangyu walked in front, just about to reach out and push the door.

  The door suddenly opened from the inside, and after that, a figure suddenly hurried out from the inside.

  Jian Sangyu couldn't dodge, the man rammed Jian Sangyu's shoulder directly.

   And after the man hit the person, he didn't even look back, nor said a word of apology, and he ran away faster and faster without looking back.

  The person's strength was very strong, and Jian Sangyu who hit him backed two steps and was held back by Lin Qiqi and Zhou Xuan before he could stand firmly.

  When Jian Sangyu was hit, she subconsciously protected her stomach, so she was afraid that if she didn't stand firmly and fell to the ground, she would definitely not fall on her waist and stomach.

  Fortunately, there is no danger, but fortunately Lin Qiqi and Zhou Xuan are standing behind her at this moment.

"Sang Yu, are you okay?" Zhou Xuan's face turned pale in fright. Seeing Jian Sangyu caressing her belly and her face was not pretty, her heart almost stopped beating, "Sang Yu, that person just hit you Where is it?"

   "I hit this shoulder." Jian Sangyu nodded on his right shoulder, shocked, "Why is that person so powerful?"

"What does a pregnant woman do so quickly after going to the toilet?" Lin Qiqi was surprised and angry, "Looking at her with such a big belly, she ran so fast and left, and she didn't look back when she hit someone, nor Say I'm sorry, and run away without looking back and hitting someone."

  Lin Qiqi's use of the word "run" is really not exaggerated.

  The pregnant woman who was looking at her six or seven-month-old belly just now really ran away.

  (End of this chapter)

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