To Be With You Forever

Chapter 299: I grew up

  Chapter 299 I grew up

  Jian Sangyu hesitated for a long time while holding her chest, twisted and thought about it, suddenly turned her head and glanced at Gu Shen secretly, but unexpectedly saw him smiling.

  Jane Sangyu is angry.

   "Laugh! Laugh! Laugh! What's so funny?" Jane Sangyu muttered angrily.

   "Is there anything else on you that I haven't seen? So what is there to cover?" Gu Chen asked, smiling.

  "..." Jian Sangyu was stunned.

  A few seconds later, Jian Sangyu snorted and said, "Different!"

   "Which is different?" Gu Chen asked back.

  Jian Sangyu originally wanted to say that being looked at by him was different from when she was in bed, but it seemed that this word came to Gu Chen's mouth, as if she was questioning her unchanged.

  Jian Sangyu thought for a while, then took the sentence, "I'm grown up!" After she finished speaking, she deliberately pressed her shoulder.

   "I didn't feel it." Gu Chen's words were very sincere and straightforward.

  Of course, after finishing speaking, Jane Sangyu rolled her eyes and scolded, "Because you are blind."

  Gu Shenmei played with Jian Sangyu again, took the corset in Jian Sangyu's hand, and said, "Open your hand, hurry up, don't dawdle."

   "I'll do it myself!" Jian Sangyu's old face almost couldn't be kept, and she hurriedly put on the bra by herself, at least to keep her innocence in front.

  Gu Chen's fingers buttoned her corset on her back, and his fingers touched the skin of her back. Jian Sangyu only felt that his fingertips seemed to have a temperature that could burn the skin.

  In fact, Gu Chen didn't remember to take off Jian Sangyu's corset, because before, when he lay in bed, Jian Sangyu basically changed her pajamas, and she had the habit of not wearing a corset.

  So in the process of doing intimate things, Gu Chen has not experienced this.

  Naturally, this is also the first time that Gu Chen has put on a bra for Jian Sangyu. These hands that have carried guns and fought, seem to be awkwardly awkward when it comes to buttoning the bra.

Jian Sangyu's skin is very good, not only the skin on her face, but even the areas on her body covered by clothes are broken like a bomb, "Okay." Gu Chen's voice was slightly muffled, and he quickly stepped back when he spoke. One step, I closed my eyes suddenly, and my breathing became heavy.

   "There are skirts too!" Jian Sangyu pointed to the dress on the bed slightly sideways, "Help me get it."

  Jian Sangyu touched her left hand behind her when she was speaking. She wanted to push Gu Shen and ask her to help her reach out and take down the dress on the bed. However, with his left hand reaching out and touching it left, right, left and right, feeling empty, Jian Sangyu gave a sigh, turned around, and saw that Gu Chen didn't know when he had taken a few steps away.

  She was taken aback, "When did you stand there? What are you doing when you stand so far? If you don't help, you won't help, at least you have to say something."

  Jane Sangyu snorted dissatisfiedly and bent over to get her skirt.

  It’s just that her fingertips could touch the skirt, and Gu Chen's hand suddenly took her left hand.

  Jian Sangyu didn’t have time to ask what Gu Chen is doing, but Gu Chen suddenly pulled her gently and dragged her into his arms.

  She raised her eyes to look at Gu Shen, only to realize that the expression in his eyes at the moment was almost as if he was about to swallow her into his belly.

  "You..." The word loosing was finally sealed in Jian Sangyu's lips by Gu Chen.

  One of his hands was on her shoulders, and the other was around her waist. The moment his skin touched, it was like sparks beating in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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