To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3014: smoothly

  Chapter 3014 Smooth

  The three of them were brushing up on the topics related to the scarf, and suddenly they could not see the relevant content.

  Gu Qingxi glanced at Gu Chen, who was walking in, and asked, "He went to withdraw the hot search?"

   "Hmm." Jian Sangyu nodded.

"This speed is fast enough. I'm still going to ask the netizen who his parents are, my college classmates? He even told his children so much about me and Jiang Xing's father." Gu Qingxi thought for a while and whispered. He laughed, "Is this a family with lots of gossip and justice?"

"I was worried that you would be angry. Looking at it, you are actually stealing joy?" Jiang Xing approached Gu Qingxi sternly and asked, "Seeing that Dad is guarding you like a jade, Mom, I will interview you. Mood, are you particularly proud?"

  Gu Qingxi was about to punch someone, Jiang Xing quickly threw it away with the bowl.

  This desire to survive will always take the first place.

  The mouth is cheap, it's still cheap.

  Gu Chen walked in and saw Jiang Xing running away, he snorted, and knew that Jiang Xing had hired his aunt again without asking.

"Auntie, the hot search issue has been resolved. I asked Xia Mina just now. Mina said that things are going well. The content captured by the hotel camera was really found on the computer in Wu Youwei's office. Wu Youwei was afraid of finding him and deleted it, but it was not deleted completely and was restored and became evidence."

Gu Chen said, "They were restored together with some videos used to threaten Wu Xiaoxue and Xueer. The evidence is solid. Wu Youwei was taken away, but Xingsheng is still trying to conceal this, for fear of causing damage to their company. It has a big impact, so I dare not let anyone know."

"There is one more thing. Wu Youwei also bit out the statement style, saying that these things have always been done by the statement style. Without knowing it, he explained that the statement style is his lover's business, and he also told the police. Feng has a mobile phone with these things in it. When Chen Feng returned to the company, he would often go to his office to use his computer. He said that those things were left in his computer by Chen Feng, and he had no idea."

  Jian Sangyu and others were shocked.

  "I admire the awkwardness of the pot." Jian Sangyu sighed again and again, "Just shake out the thing about the backup mobile phone? Then we don't need to arrange anything?"

   "No need to arrange, this is an unexpected surprise." Gu Chen raised his eyebrows.

  Because Wu Youwei took the initiative to push the pot to give a statement, it turned out to be smoother than initially expected.

  Wu Youwei confessed that there is a spare cell phone, so it is logical for the police to check the spare cell phone.

  As long as the contents of the mobile phone are found out, Mina doesn’t need to contact the victims one by one. The testimony of Wu Xiaoxue and Xueer is enough to sentence the two people.

  And the people who have been maintained by Wu Youwei and the statement style all these years, I am afraid that at this time, everyone will want to step in and trample these two people to death.

  Wu Youwei and Tanfeng have offended many people on weekdays. Once the two of them suffer, there is no shortage of people who are in trouble.

"After finding out the things in the mobile phone, the statement wind should be sent to Kyoto for investigation." Gu Chen said, "When the statement wind reaches Kyoto, let him search it last time. Those who chase the statement wind will not give up. Fans of, it’s time to wake up."

  (End of this chapter)

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