To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3016: Go on blind date

   Chapter 3016 Blind Date

   "Many children are like that when they are just born. They will grow white and become beautiful when they grow up." Gu Qingxi explained.

But when the explanation was over, Gu Qingxi spread out her hands again, "I don't know why I have to explain so much to a single dog, as if he can give me a grandchild and hug me, I'm afraid Sangyu's children can go out for a walk. It’s a dog, Jiang Xing’s lifelong events are still here."

   "Mom, you look down on people a little bit." Jiang Xing touched the tip of his nose, "If love comes, it will be like a tornado. The proportions show, look at my brother and Sangyu."

When Jiang Xing talked about Xing's head, he walked over to Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen and stopped, "How long ago did they still see each other? As soon as my brother came home, Jian Sangyu was crying and crying in the circle of friends. What happened yesterday, in a blink of an eye, you look at it, and the child is about to be born."

  "You sigh and sigh your love, what can you compare with Gu Chen?" Jian Sangyu stretched out his hand and punched Jiang Xing. "Your brother can marry me such a lovely and charming daughter-in-law, can you?"

"It’s true that you can’t marry a daughter-in-law who is so irritating to you, and you can’t marry a cute and charming daughter-in-law? Just look at my Jiang Xing face. This handsome look is mostly loved by cute girls. For me, me, I just see too many beauties, picky, like my house with such two beautiful mothers and sisters-in-law, I'm still single now, speaking of it, don't you blame you for being too beautiful?"

   Jiang Xing said that, Gu Qingxi and Jian Sangyu laughed.

   "This desire to survive is really strong." Father Gu gave Jiang Xing a thumbs up, "I will arrange a blind date for you when I look back, but I have to make people happy like this, and marry them back sooner."

   "..." Jiang Xing couldn't make a sound like he was suddenly given a dumb medicine.

   "What are you thinking about now? How about a blind date? How old-fashioned." Jiang Xing flew towards Jian Sangyu with a hint of help.

   Before Jian Sangyu could receive it, Gu Chen stepped forward and directly blocked Jiang Xing and Jian Sangyu.

   Jiang Xing has many MMPs in his heart, but he has no guts to scold him.

  The arrangement for Jiang Xing's blind date was so decided by Mr. Gu.

  Next door, Mr. Chen is currently arranging a blind date for his four grandchildren in the family. Mr. Gu thought, he stuffed Jiang Xing over, he was all an old friend. Mr. Chen should also be willing to worry about Jiang Xing's lifelong events.

   After lunch, when Gu Chen took Jian Sangyu upstairs for lunch, the statement that Feng was suspected of various illegal things exploded in the scarf. The incident that Wu Youwei manipulated last night was the one that came out together.

  Naturally, Wu Youwei's statement that Feng's financial affairs in the past two years also broke the news.

  The crew only announced yesterday that they had terminated their contract and replaced the actors and actresses. This matter is still receiving much attention on the collar. As a result, this afternoon happened again, directly damaging the remaining loyal fans of the statement.

  At one o'clock in the afternoon, the police announced the progress of a new forensic autopsy regarding the girl’s murder.

  A forensic autopsy proved that the girl did have a relationship with Nanfang Feng during her lifetime.

  Nothing other than the statement wind was detected in the girl's body, and there was no violation by other men that everyone thought at the beginning.

  (End of this chapter)

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