To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3022: Do you want to apologize

  Chapter 3022 Do you want to apologize

  The little boy looked at it, and was anxious, and hurriedly coaxed Jian Sangyu, “I like my aunt’s sister too, and my aunt is not sad, but I don’t like my uncle’s sister.”

  Gu Shen: "..."

  Everyone in the room suddenly laughed.

  Gu Qingfeng's family knew that his brother-in-law had something wrong yesterday, so they took the time to come to understand the situation, and asked a few words, knowing that he did not need his help, Gu Qingfeng did not ask more.

  The Gu family's ability is placed here. Father Jiang himself is not a vegetarian, so it is normal to deal with this small matter.

  At this moment, Prosperity Media.

  The company's executives and shareholders' meeting was urgently held in the afternoon, and the meeting just started. Xingsheng Media’s stock has already reached its limit.

  The chairman’s computer was placed on the conference table, and he glanced at the company’s stock. He was about to have a heart attack.

  "I propose that Wu Youwei be removed from the board of directors." The chairman glanced at everyone present, "Besides, everyone quickly discuss how to deal with the company's crisis."

  Everyone is not a fool. Xingsheng Media has fallen into this kind of scandal at this time, and many people want to get involved.

   Therefore, the stock limit of Xingsheng Media is expected.

  Almost all they are doing hold shares in the company. If the stock drops a little, the assets in their hands shrink a little. This green, all green, they were all frightened.

"This matter is too much trouble. Let's start with the statement style, followed by hot searches. Everyone's attention is on our company. Now that Mr. Wu has something like this, it is even more difficult to deal with. A department manager said, “The first thing to do now is to quickly remove the public’s attention from Xingsheng Media and shift it to other people and things.”

"I agree with this opinion. It is best to create a hot search that has nothing to do with our company to suppress the booming hot search. The popularity of netizens is basically followed by the hot search. Everyone is forgetful and hot search. At once, it was replaced by something else, and this thing will pass soon."

"This hot search, do you think you can withdraw if you want to withdraw?" Another person shook his head. "This matter involves the Gu family's son-in-law, and it involves the Gu family's president Jiang. The Gu family has a Jian Sangyu with its own traffic. Buying a hot search can send this matter to a hot search. We want to withdraw, but Gu's family doesn't nod, can we withdraw?"

After speaking, the person continued, "But one thing he said is right. A new big event should be created to divert everyone’s attention. Then, we need to meet President Jiang, the party involved, and show us. Xingsheng’s attitude of apologizing, the people in our company have not contacted Mr. Jiang until now."

"That's right. Wu is always the major shareholder of our company. His behavior must also represent our company. For his mistakes, our company has the responsibility and obligation to replace Mr. Wu and seek an apology from Mr. Jiang. There are those who were threatened by the statement wind and President Wu before, we all have this obligation to apologize to others."

  Before this, I stated what Feng and Wu Youwei did. Whether the group of old fritters on the board of directors really didn’t know or did they know or did not know, that’s another matter.

  Now that the East Window incident has happened, it is impossible for everyone to assume that they don’t know.

   Therefore, it must be considered that they did not know before the incident. After the incident, everyone felt very guilty and apologetic to these parties.

  (End of this chapter)

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