To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3024: You mean

  Chapter 3024 You mean

   "I think of a great hot search that can definitely divert the public's attention!" This person's eyes were brightened, "Who is the most popular on the Internet now?"

   "You mean..."

  Without waiting for someone to say the name, the person nodded directly, “Yes! People who bring their own popularity are on the hot search, how much attention is it? Who can care about our prosperity?”

"I'll arrange this!" The shareholder looked confident, "When the scandal heat of Xingsheng has subsided, we will quickly put all the faults on Wu Youwei. As long as Wu Youwei is expelled from the board of directors, we will prosper. Even if it’s okay, he is just a shareholder, and his personal behavior cannot represent the entire company and has nothing to do with the company."

   "Can this work?" Someone questioned, "Others are not fools."

"Otherwise, what better way do you have? Anyway, our prosperity is just a loss of a statement style and Wu Youwei. When the limelight passes, the company can still operate as usual to make money for everyone." The man waved his hand indifferently." All of you are too worried. In my opinion, this matter is not a big deal. This matter was done by Wu Youwei and the statement style, and not by us? It is impossible for a company to do two people’s mistakes. Pay the bill?"

"Yes, netizens are also sensible. Look at Wu Youwei and the statement style. These netizens did not attack our website. Therefore, netizens should also think that what they do is their own behavior, which is nothing too big of our company. Relationship."

  This person's words directly set everyone's hearts.

  Everyone felt a sense of comfort that the netizens in this session were very rational.

  On the side of Gu Zhai, Jian Sangyu didn't know that she would be searched again soon.

  After dinner, Jian Sangyu and Jian Jialang spent more than two hours on their mobile phones, talking about the activities of the homestay photography contest. The photography contest has already begun, and the business of the hotel will soon be on the agenda.

  In the past few days, many Internet celebrities on the Internet have successively published some living feelings and recommendation posts about homestays.

  Spring is exactly the most beautiful season in the hotel.

  Photo contest photos, photos published by internet celebrities, directly attracted a group of tourists.

  When Jian Sangyu and Jian Jialang were on the phone, Gu Shen was in the study to talk to a few elders. When it was almost ten, Gu Chen came back and found Jian Sangyu was still on the phone, so Gu Chen went to the bathroom first.

  Jian Sangyu glanced at the direction of the bathroom, and when the business was over, she didn’t talk about anything else with Jian Jialang.

   "I'm going to rest, hang up! I'll talk another day!" Jian Sangyu said to Jian Jia on the phone.

   "Okay, sister, then you rest early." Jian Jialang looked at the time at ten o'clock, thinking that Jian Sangyu would rest early after she was pregnant, so she said goodnight to Jian Sangyu.

After putting down the phone, Jian Sangyu rushed to the cloakroom and directly dragged her "big guy" out of the cloakroom, all the way to the bed.

   Directly put the "big guy" on Gu Chen's position and lay down, and she hugged the big guy like a koala holding a tree, and covered the quilt.

  Thinking about it, Jian Sangyu got up and walked towards the bathroom, knocked on the door, and said to the human inside, "Gu Chen, I'm sleepy, go to bed first!"

  The person in the bathroom heard it and responded with a hello.

  Jian Sangyu ran back to bed and lay down, and turned off the bedroom light, leaving a bedside lamp for Gu Chen.

  (End of this chapter)

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