To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3031: Guilty conscience

   Chapter 3031

  Jian Sangyu went downstairs after washing and looked around in the living room. Without seeing Gu Chen, she went to the room of the general's family.

  Opening the door, I saw Gu Chen sitting on the ground with a needle and thread busy, the general and his family still reluctantly leaned their heads on the puppets that hadn't been sewn. The eyes of the dogs were probably filled with depression.

   probably also felt that its owner had already reached this point, and the things he sent out were forcibly deducted back.

   Hearing the movement behind him, Gu Chen turned his head and glanced in the direction of the door, and saw Jian Sangyu standing at the door, because he had cried just now and his eyes were still red, and his heart felt soft again.

  "You go to eat first, and I will probably make it all right." Gu Chen coaxed Jian Sangyu, "I'll be here soon."

  "Do you want to eat first?" Jian Sangyu asked.

  Gu Chen shook his head, “This is a fast thing, and I will get it done soon. You are obedient, go to breakfast first, don’t wait for me, otherwise you will lose energy when you are hungry.

  Jian Sangyu nodded when she heard it. She was indeed hungry, so she turned around and went out without waiting for Gu Chen.

  Gu Chen's movements were very fast, and Jian Sangyu made it up before he finished breakfast.

Looking at the puppet lying on the ground and barely able to see the personal shape, Gu Chen thought for a while. While Jian Sangyu was not paying attention to eating in the restaurant, he picked up the puppet and went to the garage and put the puppet in the garage. After getting in the car, he went back to find Jian Sangyu.

   "How are you?" Jian Sangyu was pleased to see Gu Chen coming back, "Are the dolls sewn?"

"It's sewn." Gu Chen responded. Seeing Jian Sangyu was about to stand up and look at it. Gu Chen pressed the person back with one hand. "Eat well first. I already took the doll to the car. You accompany me. I live at the base for two days. Can I bring the puppet with me? You hold the puppet when I am away during the day."

   "Yes." Jane Sangyu agreed calmly.

  Gu Shen smiled, and then added some food to Jian Sangyu’s bowl, "Eat more with me."

  Jian Sangyu touched her bulging belly, then hmmed, nodded and sat still obediently.

  Pregnant women, if you are full, you can always hold on for another three minutes.

  Gu Shen was relieved to see that Jian Sangyu did not continue to ask about the puppets, and he always tricked people into getting into the car.

  After breakfast, Gu Shen went upstairs to sort out Jian Sangyu’s luggage and took Jian Sangyu to the garage. Jian Sangyu was about to go to the back seat. Gu Chen directly brought the person to the front to let Jian Sangyu sit in the passenger seat.

  Jian Sangyu couldn't twist Gu Chen, so he pouted and sat on it.

  Gu Shen has been looking for topics to divert Jian Sangyu’s attention since getting on the bus.

  For example, what kind of stuffing pizza do you want for lunch, is it fruit or meat?

  Jane Sangyu asked if she could eat them all.

   Gu Shen thought for a while, and agreed.

  Jane Sangyu was very happy.

   "I want to eat half of durian, usually beef! It would be perfect if I can grill two more chicken wings." What Jian Sangyu thought was a happy one.

   "I asked the chef in the cafeteria if he would do it, and if so, I will satisfy you." After all, he has a guilty conscience today.

  Jane Sangyu gave a happy hum, just about to turn his head and look at the puppet in the back seat, Gu Chen suddenly asked her again.

"What kind of soup do you want to drink at noon? Or do you want to drink milk tea? Jiang Xing said that a few days ago the chef in the cafeteria figured out how to make milk tea. If you want to drink it, let them make milk tea for you?" Gu Chen asked persistently , I'm afraid Jian Sangyu will turn to look at the back seat of the car right now.

  (End of this chapter)

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