To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3039: Conscience won't hurt

  Chapter 3039 Conscience will not hurt

  Netizen: I originally came to see how everyone scolded that dinosaur. I didn’t expect to see so many words that made people’s tears. After reading what everyone said, I suddenly missed my mother. I was going to call her. When I grow up, I seem to be out of work, so I rarely miss her so much.

  Jian Sangyu held the phone and looked at her eyes red.

  She sniffed, and then called Mr. Gu.

  Wait for Master Gu to pick it up, Jian Sangyu said, "Thank you, grandpa~"

   There is a little bit of crying in this sentence.

   "Family, why do you say thank you or not, that is not polite?" Old man Gu heard Jian Sangyu's voice with the meaning of crying.

  So, Mr. Gu couldn't help sighing.

  Jian Sangyu grew up in an environment like Jian’s family. Although the two elders of the Jian family are good to her, to a certain extent, in fact, they have also used Jian Sangyu.

  And Jian’s father and Jian’s mother have never given Jian Sangyu the slightest love from their parents.

  So, for family affection, every little thing can make Jane Sangyu become particularly sensitive.

  This is because Jian Sangyu’s growth process caused her psychological defects. Fortunately, in the past two years, she has really become more cheerful.

   "Thank you anyway! I like Grandpa the most!" Jian Sangyu coquettishly took the phone.

"When you were young, you didn't say that. When you were young, you told Qin Ge and Yu Yan that Grandpa Gu was the most ferocious." Father Gu explained Jian Sangyu Laodier, "When I was a child, I trained you. Your big eyes are angry. Staring at me, did you call me a bad old man at that time?"

"No!" Jian Sangyu quickly denied, "I haven't scolded grandpa secretly in my heart. I have been straightforward since I was a child. If I am angry, I will just pouting and cursing directly, so I won't curse in my heart. !"

"When the baby in my stomach grows up, I will also let the baby learn to punch with your grandpa. If you learn well, you will grow up to be majestic." Speaking of this, Jian Sangyu was upset, "Grandpa, you said the baby will not Will it be inherited from me? The baby will learn marksmanship with you, will it be as useless as me?

  "With a father like Gu Chen, the baby will definitely learn well." Old man Gu comforted.

  Jane Sangyu shook her head and muttered, "My father's marksmanship is also very good, but I just can't."

  Old man Gu heard it, and suddenly felt very reasonable.

   didn't hold back, and laughed.

   "It's okay, you can't learn marksmanship, you can learn other things, you and your brother sing nicely, and the baby will follow you and Ji Qianbo to learn to sing in the future." Old man Gu does not have the kind of old-fashioned thinking that his children can't do.

  When people are getting older, they look aside everything.

  If the child is healthy and happy all his life, it is better than anything else.

  It doesn’t matter whether someone inherits the family business. Anyway, what Gu’s family leaves to the child is enough for the child to have a carefree life.

  After the phone call with Mr. Gu, Jian Sangyu suddenly felt better.

  When she went back to the WeChat group to read everyone’s chatting news, she found that everyone was talking about her scandal in the group.

  Lin Qianze is still crazy in the group Aite Jane Sangyu.

   Is it the loss of morality or the annihilation of human nature? With a net worth of more than 100 million, you actually live in a luxury hotel with more than 1,000 a night! Jane Sangyu, will your conscience not hurt if you are so wasteful? ——Did Mina promise my confession today?

  (End of this chapter)

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