To Be With You Forever

Chapter 304: chance encounter

  Chapter 304 A coincidence

  Lin Qianhua first noticed that the girl was holding something with her left hand and then holding it with her left hand. After the girl stood up and turned around, Lin Qianhua recognized the person.

  What a coincidence, it is Lin Qiqi’s friend, Jian Sangyu.

  The two met only yesterday.

   "Miss Jian, what a coincidence." Jian Sangyu had already looked at him. Now that he had seen it, Lin Qianhua walked over and greeted politely, saying, "How about your hands?"

   "Fortunately, I haven't used it for a while, I always like to hold things with my right hand." Jane Sangyu smiled.

  Lin Qianhua's lips curled up, and he noticed that she did stretch her right hand just now, and then yelled back and changed her left hand.

  "What a coincidence, Mr. Lin also came to visit the supermarket? Alone?" Jian Sangyu thought to herself, Lin Qianhua must be the most down-to-earth boss among the people she has ever met.

  It is estimated that even Gu Chen is unlikely to visit the supermarket alone.

  And Jian Sangyu noticed that Lin Qianhua’s shopping cart contained a lot of fresh vegetables. To be honest, Lin Qianhua’s grocery shopping skills could surpass Gu Shen for hundreds of streets.

   "Well, I have nothing to do on weekends, get up early, and live nearby, so I came to buy some food to fill the refrigerator at home." Lin Qianhua explained, "In my free time, I like to cook and eat at home."

   "Good habit." Jian Sangyu exaggerated sincerely, "Now living in such a fast-paced city, few people still have good habits like Mr. Lin."

  "Sometimes in a bad mood, cooking can release psychological pressure." Lin Qianhua smiled.

  Jian Sangyu nodded in agreement. For example, when she was in a bad mood, she especially wanted to create some dark dishes to send to the guards to give Jiang Xing a taste.

   Jiang Xing is in pain, she will feel that she will be happier.

  If Gu Chen could have a taste, she might be happier.

  Of course, she has had this idea for several years, but she has never practiced it once.

  From Jian Sangyu’s mad nod, Lin Qianhua knew that Jian Sangyu could also cook, and he was a little surprised.

  Jian Sangyu is an actor, or a girl who is not badly born. There are very few girls like her who are willing to cook. Lin Qianhua asked Jian Sangyu what kind of dishes she was good at, and from the beginning of this topic, the two of them were a little out of control when they talked. Lin Qianhua had already bought the things, so she accompanied Jian Sangyu to buy them. Seeing that she couldn't get them, she took the initiative to take her things and put them into her shopping cart.

  The two talked and laughed happily, and what they talked about is called a happy one.

  Having waited until they lined up at the cashier, the two were still talking about cooking. Jian Sangyu gave Lin Qianhua the best way to beat beef **** with her hands.

"It seems that Ms. Jian's cooking skills are really good. If we have the opportunity, we can learn from each other. After all, before taking over the company, I was inspired to be a celebrity chef." Lin Qianhua is half-truth. Then he glanced at the things Jane Sangyu bought in the shopping cart, and said, "Next time Miss Jane can push a shopping cart in from the door, so you won't have to work so hard to get things."

   "Take the shopping cart, it's..." Jian Sangyu opened her mouth and responded, but at this point, Jian Sangyu's expression suddenly stopped, and she raised her hand and patted her head.

  She said that since she got to the cashier, she always felt that she had forgotten something very important?

  (End of this chapter)

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