To Be With You Forever

Chapter 3044: repent

  Chapter 3044 Confession

  Every time I was beaten by him, I would lie down alone in the dormitory with money to recuperate. The longest time I lay down for half a month, I took a full 50,000 yuan from him.

  I am still comforting myself in my heart, it is still worthwhile to spend half a month in exchange for my salary for a year.

  Like most people, I have an ordinary background and came to work in a big city from a small city. I always want to gain a foothold in this city through my own efforts.

  For this, I abandon my conscience and my health.

  Even so, in the eyes of my statement, I am just a shallow person who can commit a crime for a small amount of money.

  Finally, I knew that I was wrong, I was so wrong.

  What I regret most now is, in the past, why I can indifferently ignore the girls who offered me help.

  If I could reach out and help them at that time, maybe they would not come to this point, maybe they would not die. "

Speaking of this, the male assistant in the video covered his face and wept bitterly, "I used to hate people who were indifferent, but later, I became one of them. Therefore, I hate myself and I am sorry for them. , I am really sorry for them."

  At the end of the video, it was not his cry.

  Jian Sangyu knew that he probably also knew about the suicide of Zhu Rui's mother and daughter.

  When humanity is suppressed deep in my heart, it can really be invisible.

  However, once awakened, it can be so hot again.

  And this video also really aroused the ideas of many netizens who paid attention to this incident.

  Many people noticed the wording that the male assistant said they would not die.

  Netizen: Has anyone died in this incident? Why is there no official disclosure of any information? Is it because of prosperity that the government deliberately concealed such important news and refused to report it in order to cover up for prosperity?

Netizen: Seeing this video of Assistant Statement Wind, I was actually really angry at first, and I was angry that he watched him coldly, but later, I understood him very well. Ordinary us, sometimes we really can’t help ourselves, we want In this city, to stand firm in the workplace, one must be dumb. I always remember the things about my former company. The manager of the company has been secretly harassing the new female colleague, even molesting her. The female colleague couldn’t bear it and called the police, but no one dared to stand up and testify for her. On the contrary, the manager’s wife cleaned up and drove out of the company. For so many years, I have never forgotten the dullness and despair on her face when she left the company, nor can I forget the tears in her eyes. So many years have passed. I don’t know if she’s doing well or not. This incident must have caused a lot of harm to her when she entered the workplace. I also want to say sorry to her. I was forced by my work to not stand up and testify for you. .

Netizen: Actually, I have been regretting it all the time. I think about it, how can there be no place for me when the world is so big? If I stood up and testified for her, I would be able to give her justice and make her less desperate. It's just a job loss, now think about it, what does it matter? Anyway, there is more than one garbage company in the world that can give me a future, and what can a garbage company give me a good future?

  Netizen: Human life? Asking the authorities to disclose all the progress of this matter, I feel uncomfortable when I watch the assistants cry in the camera.

  (End of this chapter)

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